ColinMaudry / sparql-router

Application to turn SPARQL queries into APIs and use them in a simple Web app (Express + Vue)
MIT License
9 stars 4 forks source link

SPARQL router 0.4.0

The NodeJS/Express application that powers to serve canned SPARQL queries to the world.

master (demo) develop (demo)
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SPARQL is the query language to retrieve data from RDF triple stores. I often had the issue that fellow developers or data fanatics asked for data that was in a triple store, but they don't know SPARQL.

This server application solves the issue:

  1. You write the query and gives it a name (e.g. biggest-asian-cities)
  2. You save it under /tables, /graphs or /update, depending on the query type (SELECT, CONSTRUCT, DESCRIBE, SPARQL Update)
  3. You give the URL to your fellow developer, picking the right format for their usage:
    • http:/yourhost/api/tables/biggest-asian-cities.csv for manipulations as a spreadsheet
    • http:/yourhost/api/tables/biggest-asian-cities.json as input for a Web app
    • http:/yourhost/api/tables/biggest-asian-cities.xml if they are into XML
  4. They get fresh updated results from the store every time they hit the URL!

Create a query

Get query results


A screenshot of the tests as overview of the features.

Configuration and detailed usage documentation

Upcoming features

Known issues




git clone --depth=1
cd sparql-router
npm install --production

SPARQL router is also available as an NPM package.


On the wiki.

Once it's configured, you must initialize the system queries and test queries:

npm run initialize


I haven't found a proper way to mock a triple store for testing purposes. I consequently use a remote triple store. That means the tests only work if the machine has Internet access.

The configuration used for the tests is stored in config/test.json.

First, make sure, you have all the dev dependencies installed:

npm install

Tests rely on mocha and supertest for the API, and on nightwatch for the frontend.


To run the API tests:

npm test

Overview of the API tests.


To run the frontend tests:

# Make sure the dev dependencies are installed
npm install

# Start the server in development mode with the test configuration
NODE_ENV=test npm run dev

# Run the frontend tests
npm run test-ui

Start it

Using config/default.json configuration file:

npm start

Using config/myconfig.json configuration file:

NODE_ENV=myconfig npm start

Start in debug mode:

DEBUG=functions,routes npm start

Resilient deployment

If you want the app to restart automatically after fatal errors, I suggest you use forever.

When forever is installed globally, run the following command in the sparql-router folder:

forever bin/www

Use it

See this wiki page for detailed instructions: Using SPARQL router

The API documentation can be found here (development version). If you're running the app, at /api.

Actions that require authentication

The actions that are not read-only on the canned queries or the data require basic authentication.

Similar software

If SPARQL router doesn't match your requirements, you can have a look at these solutions:


Change log







MIT license

If you use it, I'd really appreciate a public statements such as a tweet!