Is there any reason to read this?
- Yes there is
- Language is C++, as this is the most common for game dev
- This will be for 3D games
- Define more things
Dev Environment
To get Visual Studio Premium 2012
- Go to https://secure.scs.carleton.ca:4430/scs_authentication/dreamspark-form.php?department=scs
- Sign in with carleton.ca username and password
- Click on Developer tools
- Click on Microsoft Visual Studio 2012
- Look for the link to Microsoft Visual Studio Premium 2012, and add that to your cart
- Continue with the checkout process, up to the point where it tells you your key and asks you to download it.
- Save your key somewhere where you will not lose it
- Go to https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BzWIsCZgQb_LRVlMcF9DbVdzNHM/edit?usp=sharing and download* and run that.
- Follow the installation instructions and enter the key from earlier
Download the OpenGL dev library (GLEW and freeGLUT)
- Go to: http://glew.sourceforge.net/
- Download the Windows 32 bit binary file
- Extract the zip to a folder of your choosing
- [Go here to download freeGlut] (http://sourceforge.net/projects/freeglut/files/freeglut/2.8.1/freeglut-2.8.1.tar.gz/download?use_mirror=superb-dca2&download=)
- Extract the zip to a location of your choosing
- Create a folder called C Libs on your C:\ drive
- In that folder create two folders "include" and "lib"
- From where you extracted glew copy the contents of "include" and "lib" into the repective folders in "C:\C Libs"
- Repeat the above for the download of freeGlut
- once this is done open the project that you wish to work on.
- once it is open press F5 to build and run it, it should fail to run
- We now need to copy the "freeglut.dll" file from the freeglut/bin folder into the projects Debug folder
- Do the same as above for the glew32.dll file in the Glew folder
openGL Test
Draws a triangle that spins (and is awesome), this one updates as Colin is progressing through an associated tutorial...
Delta Test
opens a console that prints out a bunch of numbers, Colin's proof of concept for consistent calculations
regardless of framerate. It is bassically useless and was added mainly to just get code in here :D
- [Basic Glut/openGL tutorial] (http://www.lighthouse3d.com/tutorials/glut-tutorial/setup-basics/)
* this download is only an installer, which will download the actual program (~8GB)