Colmmm / TheTwoBBTagger

CERN Summer Student Project 2019
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2B^2 Tagger


A new approach to B-taging, which differs from convential tagging techniques such as the OS-tagger/SS-tagger (OppositeSide/SameSide) by starting off with just two track body (TB) vertex's. This approach also implements tools used in the analysis of Semileptonic decays of B Baryons, which includes the Isolation MVA technique which can be used to find as much of the decay chain of the B as possible. Another technique leveraged from the previous described analysis is the Line-of-Flight (LoF) technique which allowes the estimation of COM quantites of the tracks associated in the decay chain. Then using all the information available to us about the two track vertex and the extra tracks (ETs) added(including information obtained from the LoF technique), a tag (B or BBar) is predicted with a corresponding mistag probability.