A Collaborative Web System for Student Computing Clubs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Mozzarella is a web application made to help student computing clubs better
collaborate and organize their projects, presentations, and even mailing list
messages. Mozzarella is written in Python 3
using the TurboGears framework.
.. _Python 3: https://python.org .. _TurboGears: http://turbogears.org/
First, clone the repository:
.. code:: console
$ git clone https://github.com/ColoradoSchoolOfMines/mozzarella.git $ cd mozzarella
Next, install the application in editable form using pip3
. Passing the
flag installs for just your local user (typically in ~/.local
Alternatively, you may wish to use a virtual enviornment
.. _virtual enviornment: https://docs.python.org/3/library/venv.html
.. code:: console
$ pip3 install -e . --user
Install development tools for TurboGears:
.. code:: console
$ pip3 install --user tg.devtools
Next, setup the development.ini
.. code:: console
$ cp development.ini.sample development.ini $ vim development.ini
Seed the development database:
.. code:: console
$ gearbox setup-app
Finally, serve the application:
.. code:: console
$ gearbox serve --reload --debug
Once up, use your web browser to navigate to http://localhost:8080/.
Mozzarella is a WSGI application, and can be deployed using any WSGI-capable
web server. In our production environment, we use Apache 2.4 with mod_wsgi
but any other WSGI environment should work fine (such as Gunicorn, or uWSGI).
First, clone the repository and install the application:
.. code:: console
$ git clone https://github.com/ColoradoSchoolOfMines/mozzarella.git /path/to/site
Next, install the application:
.. code:: console
$ pip3 install .
Next, set up a production.ini
file next to app.wsgi
. This file should
look like development.ini
, but you should be sure to disable debug mode and
make a new random key for cookies.
Supported databases are PostgreSQL_ and SQLite_. For production purposes, we
recommend PostgreSQL_. MySQL should work, but we have no intents to maintain
compatibility with MySQL in the long term.
.. _PostgreSQL: https://www.postgresql.org/
.. _SQLite: https://www.sqlite.org/index.html
Configure the path to your database in ``production.ini``:
.. code:: ini
sqlalchemy.url = postgresql://user:pass@hostname/db
Depot Storage
Setup a depot storage. You can either use a path on the file system, or MongoDB
GridFS. Configure in your production.ini
.. code:: ini
# If you opt for file system storage
depot.storage_path = /path/to/depot/storage
.. code:: ini
# If you opt for MongoDB GridFS
depot.backend = depot.io.gridfs.GridFSStorage
depot.mongouri = mongodb://localhost/db
See the Depot documentation
_ for more information.
.. _Depot documentation: https://depot.readthedocs.io/en/latest/userguide.html
Here is an example config for Apache with ``mod_wsgi``:
.. code:: apache
<VirtualHost *:443>
ServerAdmin jrosenth@mines.edu
ServerName acm.mines.edu
# Setup the WSGI process group
WSGIProcessGroup mozzarella
WSGIDaemonProcess mozzarella user=mozzarella group=mozzarella home=/path/to/site threads=8
WSGIScriptAlias / /path/to/site/app.wsgi
<Directory /path/to/site>
Require all granted
# Make sure to alias the static files so that we don't have to go thru
# a WSGI application to get these
Alias /css /path/to/public/css
Alias /img /path/to/public/img
Alias /fonts /path/to/public/fonts
Alias /js /path/to/public/js
# Optional, where to log errors to
ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/mozzarella-error.log
CustomLog /var/log/apache2/mozzarella-access.log combined
LogLevel warn
# Make sure to setup anything else you are using, such as SSL certs