ColorlibHQ / AdminLTE

AdminLTE - Free admin dashboard template based on Bootstrap 5
MIT License
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[RELEASE] AdminLTE v4 beta1 #3692

Open danny007in opened 3 years ago

danny007in commented 3 years ago

(Alpha)-Release is online, you can install it with npm install admin-lte@next or npm install admin-lte@4.0.0-beta1.



Install npm i for this you need Node,js

to build npm run production

to run npm run dev then open go to http://localhost:3000/

then give some idea, or contribute πŸ‘πŸΌ

leonardodepaula commented 3 years ago

Is v4 built on top of Bootstrap 4 or 5?

danny007in commented 3 years ago

Is v4 built on top of Bootstrap 4 or 5?


danny007in commented 3 years ago

Is v4 built on top of Bootstrap 4 or 5?

And thanks for this comment, ill update readme

tacman commented 3 years ago

Wahoo! Very exciting.

Obviously, lots more to do (login pages, right hand sidebar, etc.), but great to see that this is starting.

It appears to me that the BS5 changes from BS4 are not as significant as the BS3 to BS4 changes, dropping jquery of course is a big one. And changes to the data attributes to include -bs.

Do you think that getting the demo to work is going to be mostly HTML to change to support bs5, or changes to the AdminLTE CSS and JS files?

Root3287 commented 3 years ago

Do we have to compile using npm? Will there be compiled CSS/JS in the future?

danny007in commented 3 years ago

Do we have to compile using npm? Will there be compiled CSS/JS in the future?

Same as AdminLTE v3

danny007in commented 3 years ago

I am planing to make development setup using gulp. Any suggestion.

REJack commented 3 years ago

I am planing to make development setup using gulp. Any suggestion.

for what gulp, why not webpack?

danny007in commented 3 years ago

I am planing to make development setup using gulp. Any suggestion.

for what gulp, why not webpack?

I have started implemented 90% completed. Gulp fast, It as npmDist and generate html using partials

REJack commented 3 years ago

Would you implement generate demo html files with gulp too? Like jekyll

danny007in commented 3 years ago

Would you implement generate demo html files with gulp too? Like jekyll

Yes using

danny007in commented 3 years ago

replacing with any suggestion

ZhangChengLin commented 3 years ago

replacing with any suggestion

It can be implemented with bootstrap v5's own components, which is a good choice, which can reduce the overall file size

ZhangChengLin commented 3 years ago

The gulpfile.js file can be divided into 2 or more files by function, which makes the functions easier to identify. The directory method is also supported.

ZhangChengLin commented 3 years ago

Have you considered using svg icons instead of icon icons?

Two-color icons are currently popular.

danny007in commented 3 years ago

Have you considered using svg icons instead of icon icons?

icons.getbootstrap v2 ill implement, because

Two-color icons are currently popular.

send link

ZhangChengLin commented 3 years ago

Two-color icons are currently popular.

send link

Maybe only Font Awesome Version6 duotone styles

MGatner commented 3 years ago

Is v4-dev hosted anywhere? Part of my workflow installs via Packagist then copies out from dist/, so I would need to install npm during my CI just to try out version 4. Could we get a CDN, or prerelease?

REJack commented 3 years ago

The first "pre-release" will take minimum 2months, first I need to push the fixes for the v3.1 fix release

MGatner commented 3 years ago

Thanks @REJack. I will build myself and see where I can hop in. Do you have any plans to make version 3 compatible with Bootstrap 5? Or is it 3.x => BS4, 4.x => BS5?

REJack commented 3 years ago

v3 will stuck on BS4

tacman commented 3 years ago

v3 will stuck on BS4

Great, too messy, especially without jQuery.

MGatner commented 3 years ago

@danny007in Where would you like issues and PRs? Your fork? os-content-glue is causing a very large empty space before the sidebar menu (macOS 11.4, Safari 14.1.1)

danny007in commented 3 years ago

i have fixed it

MGatner commented 3 years ago

I have fixed it

Locally? It is still wonky for me.

@danny007in Would you like to continue using this Issue to discuss version 4? Perhaps enabling Discussions or starting a Discord would be easier?

MGatner commented 3 years ago

In case it is helpful to anyone else I will be maintaining a distribution repo for version 4 until there is an official release:

REJack commented 3 years ago

enabling Discussions

They are enabled 🀣

Discord would be easier?

I release soon the Invite link :D I prepared one already.

MGatner commented 2 years ago

@REJack Any update on the Discord?

REJack commented 2 years ago

Here :D, but it's still under development 🀣

REJack commented 2 years ago

Here :D, but it's still under development 🀣

@danny007in would you Join the Discord Server too?

danny007in commented 2 years ago

we can release alpha version of adminlte v4 after adding some html examples and customizable config options

rezathecoder commented 2 years ago

Hi. When can we use this great v4 in production?

danny007in commented 2 years ago

Hi. When can we use this great v4 in production?

only js config remaining, @REJack needed to do.

REJack commented 2 years ago

I will start with it in the next days, first I need to close the last 2/3 issues for v3.2 and release it πŸ˜„

@danny007in is the whole CSS stuff done?

danny007in commented 2 years ago

I will start with it in the next days, first I need to close the last 2/3 issues for v3.2 and release it πŸ˜„

@danny007in is the whole CSS stuff done?

css is done , html example we can add later releases,

tacman commented 2 years ago

I've been using the v4 branch for development work, and the basics are working pretty well.

If you're open to suggestions on what to work on next, I quite like the right-side settings menu in v3, and would love to see it in v4 soon. I don't think it's all that hard to move to bs5 for someone who knows what they're doing. Alas, that's not me, I struggle with even simple stuff like flexbox, grid and display.

Anyway, jazzed to hear you'll be able to look at v4 soon! Thanks!!

On Thu, Oct 7, 2021 at 8:09 AM Daniel @.***> wrote:

I will start with it in the next days, first I need to close the last 2/3 issues for v3.2 and release it πŸ˜„

@danny007in is the whole CSS stuff done?

css is done , html example we can add later releases,

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rezathecoder commented 2 years ago

I will start with it in the next days, first I need to close the last 2/3 issues for v3.2 and release it πŸ˜„

@danny007in is the whole CSS stuff done?

Any progress? :)

danny007in commented 2 years ago

i am planning to add most plugins as cdn rather than including in ./dist/vendor folder

tacman commented 2 years ago

Oh, yuck. While that might make a demo easier to build and run, it will make using the theme harder for anyone trying to integrate it using a package manager.

I'm somewhat confused about the whole build process when using this theme, but I'm sure I won't want to use a CDN when developing.

Can you also provide a package.json that manages the plugins?


On Sun, Oct 24, 2021 at 8:27 AM Daniel @.***> wrote:

i am planning to add most plugins as cdn rather than including in ./dist/vendor folder

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REJack commented 2 years ago

i am planning to add most plugins as cdn rather than including in ./dist/vendor folder

That was my plan too, its totally useless to add all plugins into the package.json also the install time is so huge even if you not use them. Also we only need overwrites for the plugins and we never built the plugin css/scss into AdminLTEβ€˜s css files.

themikem commented 2 years ago

FWIW, I'm pushing updates & fixes here if anyone is interested in tracking them. Trying to get this ready as part of a larger project release, so patching and fixing where necessary:

Also quick note that in latest commit terser needs to be: // Minify JS const minifyDistJs = () => src(paths.dist.js + '/adminlte.js', { sourcemaps: true }) .pipe(terser({ compress: { passes: 2 } })) .pipe(rename({ suffix: '.min' })) .pipe(dest(paths.dist.js)) to avoid creating an adminlte.min.js folder instead of file.

albertmoravec commented 2 years ago

i am planning to add most plugins as cdn rather than including in ./dist/vendor folder

That's probably going to be a hassle when running it on an internal network not connected to the outside world. But I haven't seen the final solution so maybe it is doable somehow?

MGatner commented 2 years ago


In my opinion this should be an option and not a mandate. I understand not wanting to complicate matters, but it's 2022 and every project in every language uses some sort of package management, and publishing a layout template without dependency control seems like a big loss.

Is it inconceivable to publish multiple versions, one as CDN-only for people who "just want it to work" and then another version with package definitions so people can build or provide their own dependencies?

danny007in commented 2 years ago


In my opinion this should be an option and not a mandate. I understand not wanting to complicate matters, but it's 2022 and every project in every language uses some sort of package management, and publishing a layout template without dependency control seems like a big loss.

Is it inconceivable to publish multiple versions, one as CDN-only for people who "just want it to work" and then another version with package definitions so people can build or provide their own dependencies?

offline user and can download plugins seperatly

danny007in commented 2 years ago

ill add comment as plugins url to download in html for non-cdn users

danny007in commented 2 years ago

@REJack i have an idea

creating separate repos to:-

sptik12 commented 2 years ago

Is it possible to install v4 via composer?

MGatner commented 2 years ago

@sptik12 you can use the temporary shim ( until v4 has been released.

MojtabaFaal commented 2 years ago

Hi Will version 4 be released? Will it work on version 4? Can we hope?

ibakirov commented 2 years ago

@MojtabaFaal AdminLTE v4 is not GA and it's based on Bootstrap 5. Be patient!