ComfyWorkflows / ComfyUI-Launcher

Run any ComfyUI workflow w/ ZERO setup.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
441 stars 50 forks source link

Windows Docker script wrong - working script inside #36

Open DrivenIdeaLab opened 3 months ago

DrivenIdeaLab commented 3 months ago

windows 11 Docker Desktop

[2024-04-23 01:55:02,059: INFO/MainProcess] celery@59aa4f2e23b1 ready. (base) PS D:\Program Files (x86)\ComfyUI_windows_portable\ComfyUI-Launcher-main> docker run ^

--gpus all ^ # remove this line if you don't have a GPU --rm ^ --name comfyui_launcher ^ -p 4000-4100:4000-4100 ^ -v %cd%/comfyui_launcher_models:/app/server/models ^ -v %cd%/comfyui_launcher_projects:/app/server/projects ^ -it thecooltechguy/comfyui_launcher At line:2 char:3

  • --gpus all ^ # remove this line if you don't have a GPU
  • ~ Missing expression after unary operator '--'. At line:2 char:3
  • --gpus all ^ # remove this line if you don't have a GPU
    Unexpected token 'gpus' in expression or statement.
    At line:3 char:3
  • --rm ^
  • ~ Missing expression after unary operator '--'. At line:3 char:3
  • --rm ^
  • ~~ Unexpected token 'rm' in expression or statement. At line:4 char:3
  • --name comfyui_launcher ^
  • ~ Missing expression after unary operator '--'. At line:4 char:3
  • --name comfyui_launcher ^
    Unexpected token 'name' in expression or statement.
  • CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
  • FullyQualifiedErrorId : MissingExpressionAfterOperator

(base) PS D:\Program Files (x86)\ComfyUI_windows_portable\ComfyUI-Launcher-main> docker run `

--rm --name comfyui_launcher -p 4000-4100:4000-4100 -v ${PWD}/comfyui_launcher_models:/app/server/models -v ${PWD}/comfyui_launcher_projects:/app/server/projects ` -it thecooltechguy/comfyui_launcher Unable to find image 'thecooltechguy/comfyui_launcher:latest' locally latest: Pulling from thecooltechguy/comfyui_launcher 8a1e25ce7c4f: Pull complete 1103112ebfc4: Pull complete fb784af4aeda: Pull complete 043e7f3dd05a: Pull complete 538a89c93346: Pull complete 266028b6ead4: Pull complete 2f167fd44c2a: Pull complete 09720a1ccde6: Pull complete 67f458f5bc67: Pull complete 316f8cbc3be8: Downloading [==> ] 298.6MB/5.689GB 1fa507b46350: Download complete 082dc678f75b: Download complete 525f4d528633: Download complete 76aa4649f751: Download complete 4f4fb700ef54: Download complete