ComfyWorkflows / ComfyUI-Launcher

Run any ComfyUI workflow w/ ZERO setup.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
441 stars 50 forks source link

ComfyUI Launcher (BETA)

Run any ComfyUI workflow w/ ZERO setup.

Need help? Join our Discord!

Runs anywhere:



Running a workflow json file w/ no setup


Windows (Windows Subsystem for Linux - WSL) & Linux:


Quick start

Option 1: Docker (Linux & Windows)


docker run \
--gpus all \ # remove this line if you don't have a GPU or if you're on MacOS
--rm \
--name comfyui_launcher \
-p 4000-4100:4000-4100 \
-v $(pwd)/comfyui_launcher_models:/app/server/models \
-v $(pwd)/comfyui_launcher_projects:/app/server/projects \
-it thecooltechguy/comfyui_launcher


docker run ^
--gpus all ^ # remove this line if you don't have a GPU
--rm ^
--name comfyui_launcher ^
-p 4000-4100:4000-4100 ^
-v %cd%/comfyui_launcher_models:/app/server/models ^
-v %cd%/comfyui_launcher_projects:/app/server/projects ^
-it thecooltechguy/comfyui_launcher

Open http://localhost:4000 in your browser

Option 2: Manual setup (macOS, Linux, and Windows)

Works for Windows (WSL - Windows Subsystem for Linux), Linux, & macOS

Installation (one-time setup)

git clone
cd comfyui-launcher/

Start ComfyUI Launcher


Open http://localhost:4000 in your browser

If you're facing issues w/ the installation, please make a post in the bugs forum on our discord


Option 1: Docker

docker pull thecooltechguy/comfyui_launcher

Option 2: Manual setup

git pull


Using a reverse proxy (advanced)

If you're running ComfyUI Launcher behind a reverse proxy or in an environment where you can only expose a single port to access the Launcher and its workflow projects, you can run the Launcher with PROXY_MODE=true (only available for Docker).

docker run \
--gpus all \ # remove this line if you don't have a GPU or if you're on MacOS
--rm \
--name comfyui_launcher \
-p 4000:80 \
-v $(pwd)/comfyui_launcher_models:/app/server/models \
-v $(pwd)/comfyui_launcher_projects:/app/server/projects \
-e PROXY_MODE=true \
-it thecooltechguy/comfyui_launcher

Once the container is running, all you need to do is expose port 80 to the outside world. This will allow you to access the Launcher and its workflow projects from a single port.

Currently, PROXY_MODE=true only works with Docker, since NGINX is used within the container. If you're running the Launcher manually, you'll need to set up a reverse proxy yourself (see the nginx.conf file for an example).

Using an existing ComfyUI models folder

When starting the ComfyUI Launcher, you can set the MODELS_DIR environment variable to the path of your existing ComfyUI models folder. This will allow you to use the models you've already downloaded. By default, they're stored in ./server/models

Using a different folder to store your Launcher projects

When starting the ComfyUI Launcher, you can set the PROJECTS_DIR environment variable to the path of the folder you'd like to use to store your projects. By default, they're stored in ./server/projects


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