ComfyWorkflows / ComfyUI-Launcher

Run any ComfyUI workflow w/ ZERO setup.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
441 stars 50 forks source link

Windows Installation #9

Closed fedepalu2 closed 4 months ago

fedepalu2 commented 4 months ago

Following the steps of Manual setup (Option 2) chmod +x is not a dos command ./ is not working

thecooltechguy commented 4 months ago

hi @fedepalu2 , to confirm, are you running the commands in the WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) terminal? Note: this is separate from Window's default Command Line Prompt.


fedepalu2 commented 4 months ago

ok you are right, I will intall WSL and give you feedback!

fedepalu2 commented 4 months ago

Is little bit complex, I have a new installation of WSL, i should or install docker (i never did) or go to manual setup but I have to first install python, pip, etc. Is becoming difficoult... I follow some tutorial found some where to install python, pip, than python3.10-venv was not so easy.

After installation I imported a workflow but a node was not installed, I tried to install it from the Manager but i coudn't.

Than I tried create a new workflow, i selected AnimateDiff but I get:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/user1/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/flask/", line 1463, in wsgi_app response = self.full_dispatch_request() File "/home/user1/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/flask/", line 872, in full_dispatch_request rv = self.handle_user_exception(e) File "/home/user1/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/flask/", line 870, in full_dispatch_request rv = self.dispatch_request() File "/home/user1/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/flask/", line 855, in dispatch_request return self.ensure_sync(self.view_functions[rule.endpoint])(**view_args) # type: ignore[no-any-return] File "/mnt/c/comfyui-launcher/server/", line 127, in create_project res = get_launcher_json_for_workflow_json(template_workflow_json) TypeError: get_launcher_json_for_workflow_json() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'resolved_missing_models' and 'skip_model_validation'

Finally I tried install another workflow but I get this error: - - [08/Mar/2024 10:11:21] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [08/Mar/2024 10:11:21] "GET /assets/index-D11Swg5J.js HTTP/1.1" 304 - - - [08/Mar/2024 10:11:21] "GET /assets/index-C6w0xBN0.css HTTP/1.1" 304 - - - [08/Mar/2024 10:11:21] "GET /api/projects HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [08/Mar/2024 10:11:23] "GET /import HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [08/Mar/2024 10:11:23] "GET /assets/index-D11Swg5J.js HTTP/1.1" 304 - - - [08/Mar/2024 10:11:23] "GET /assets/index-C6w0xBN0.css HTTP/1.1" 304 - Detected workflow json format, converting to launcher json format import_project value of skip_model_validation: False value of resolved_missing_models: [] value of skip_model_validation: False [2024-03-08 10:11:55,154] ERROR in app: Exception on /api/import_project [POST] Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/user1/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/flask/", line 1463, in wsgi_app response = self.full_dispatch_request() File "/home/user1/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/flask/", line 872, in full_dispatch_request rv = self.handle_user_exception(e) File "/home/user1/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/flask/", line 870, in full_dispatch_request rv = self.dispatch_request() File "/home/user1/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/flask/", line 855, in dispatch_request return self.ensure_sync(self.view_functions[rule.endpoint])(view_args) # type: ignore[no-any-return] File "/mnt/c/comfyui-launcher/server/", line 179, in import_project res = get_launcher_json_for_workflow_json(import_json, resolved_missing_models, skip_model_validation) File "/mnt/c/comfyui-launcher/server/", line 372, in get_launcher_json_for_workflow_json response.status_code == 200 or response.status_code == 400 AssertionError: Failed to get launcher json for workflow json: {'last_node_id': 777, 'last_link_id': 1303, 'nodes': [{'id': 249, 'type': 'Note', 'pos': [-3740, -3000], 'size': {'0': 830, '1': 410}, 'flags': {}, 'order': 0, 'mode': 0, 'title': 'FreeU_V2 recommended', 'properties': {'text': ''}, 'widgets_values': ["OFFICIAL SDXL: b1: 1.3, b2: 1.4, s1: 0.9, s2: 0.2\n\nb1: 1 â\x89¤ b1 â\x89¤ 1.2\nb2: 1.2 â\x89¤ b2 â\x89¤ 1.6\ns1: s1 â\x89¤ 1\ns2: s2 â\x89¤ 1\n\n DETAILS * (tx to /u/siberian-duck)\nNeutral value for all FreeU options b1, b2, s1 and s2 is 1. Not unexpected, but as they are not the default values in the node, I mention it here.\n\nb1: responsible for the larger areas on the image\nb2: responsible for the smaller areas on the image\ns1: responsible for the details in b2\ns2: responsible for the details in b1\n\nSo s1 belongs to b2 and s1 to b2. The numbers 1 and 2 are misleading.\n\nb1 and b2 with a value lower than 1 causes artefacts, like missing last sample steps (noisy image).\n\nEvery value over 1 increases overall contrast and saturation of colors but with emphasis of their area of responsibility.\n\nIf you think of an upper body portrait with a blurry background:\n\nb1: background, even skin\nb2: clothes, bigger areas of hair, eye brows, eyes, nose, mouth\ns1: tiniest details, like hair on the skin, iris, finest skin structure, fabric fibers\ns2: small details like skin and clothes structure\n\nIncreasing...\n...b1 increases contrast and causes lost of small details, but tiny details don't get lost\n...b2 increases contrast and causes lost of tiny details, but small details don't get lost\n...s1 increases contrast and tiny details\n...s1 increases contrast and small details\n\nDecreasing...\n...b1 causes artefacts (lower than 1)\n...b2 causes artefacts (lower than 1)\n...s1 causes lost of tiny details without losing contrast (dreamy look)\n...s2 causes lost of small details without losing contrast (elegant, still realtic beauty look)"], 'color': '#432', 'bgcolor': '#653'}, {'id': 296, 'type': 'Note', 'pos': [-5410, -2140], 'size': {'0': 240, '1': 80}, 'flags': {}, 'order': 1, 'mode': 0, 'properties': {'text': ''}, 'widgets_values': ['recommended LORAS:\n- sdxl film photo\n- xt sliders\n- add detail'], 'color': '#432', 'bgcolor': '#653'}, {'id': 246, 'type': 'Note', 'pos': [-6200, -1820], 'size': {'0': 210, '1': 90}, 'flags': {}, 'order': 2, 'mode': 0, 'title': 'Seed Vault', 'properties': {'text': ''}, 'widgets_values': ['778 lucky seed :)'], 'color': '#432', 'bgcolor': '#653'}, {'id': 297, 'type': 'Note', 'pos': [-6360, -2260], 'size': {'0': 400, '1': 140}, 'flags': {}, 'order': 3, 'mode': 0, 'properties': {'text': ''}, 'widgets_values': ['recommended models:\n1.5= realitic vision is pretty good and fast\nsdxl = copa timeless is good with dpm++3gpu\n\nSDXL WILL REQUIRE CHANGES:\n- controlnet will need updating\n- ipdapter too\n\nYou can run it without those though (use switches)'], 'color': '#432', 'bgcolor': '#653'}, {'id': 275, 'type': 'Reroute (rgthree)', 'pos': {'0': -2440, '1': -1930, '2': 0, '3': 0, '4': 0, '5': 0, '6': 0, '7': 0, '8': 0, '9': 0}, 'size': [110, 30], 'flags': {}, 'order': 60, 'mode': 0, 'inputs': [{'name': '', 'type': '', 'link': 396, 'dir': 3, 'has_old_label': True, 'label': ' ', 'slot_index': 0}], 'outputs': [{'name': 'VAE', 'type': 'VAE', 'links': [393], 'dir': 4, 'has_old_label': True, 'label': ' ', 'slot_index': 0}], 'title': 'VAE', 'properties': {'resizable': True, 'size': [110, 30], 'showLabel': True}}, {'id': 259, 'type': 'Reroute (rgthree)', 'pos': {'0': -2440, '1': -1970, '2': 0, '3': 0, '4': 0, '5': 0, '6': 0, '7': 0, '8': 0, '9': 0}, 'size': [110, 30], 'flags': {}, 'order': 62, 'mode': 0, 'inputs': [{'name': '', 'type': '', 'link': 369, 'dir': 3, 'has_old_label': True, 'label': ' ', 'slot_index': 0}], 'outputs': [{'name': 'SEED', 'type': 'INT', 'links': [367], 'dir': 4, 'has_old_label': True, 'label': ' ', 'slot_index': 0}], 'title': 'Seed', 'properties': {'resizable': True, 'size': [110, 30], 'showLabel': True}}, {'id': 487, 'type': 'Automatic CFG', 'pos': [-2870, -2350], 'size': {'0': 210, '1': 26}, 'flags': {}, 'order': 75, 'mode': 4, 'inputs': [{'name': 'model', 'type': 'MODEL', 'link': 798}], 'outputs': [{'name': 'MODEL', 'type': 'MODEL', 'links': [799], 'shape': 3, 'slot_index': 0}], 'properties': {'Node name for S&R': 'Automatic CFG'}}, {'id': 239, 'type': 'FreeU_V2', 'pos': [-4010, -2400], 'size': {'0': 315, '1': 130}, 'flags': {}, 'order': 67, 'mode': 4, 'inputs': [{'name': 'model', 'type': 'MODEL', 'link': 348}], 'outputs': [{'name': 'MODEL', 'type': 'MODEL', 'links': [343], 'shape': 3, 'slot_index': 0}], 'properties': {'Node name for S&R': 'FreeU_V2'}, 'widgets_values': [1.48, 1.4, 0.9, 0.2]}, {'id': 243, 'type': 'Note', 'pos': [-4630, -2990], 'size': {'0': 850, '1': 400}, 'flags': {}, 'order': 4, 'mode': 0, 'title': 'Regarding SAGS', 'properties': {'text': ''}, 'widgets_values': ["From : u/dotJack on reddit:\n\nScale works a lot like weight in your other favorite nodes or at least the effect is similar even though the internal implementation probably changes the size of the noise being applied or the amplitude of the noise. At lower numbers the applied noise just gets too fine/low contrast or too large to change anything. Perhaps the blur just evens it out at certain values.\n\nNear 0.0 values lead to near-nothing changing in the image regardless of the blur_sigma value. I think some very minor changes are applied even at 0 but it's so incredibly minor that you couldn't tell which output has the node applied and which doesn't.\n\nOnce you go above 1, the image becomes a lot more crunchy and as you approach even higher numbers, there's a strong burn/over-processed effect, similar to what occurs with higher cfg values. If the blur_sigma is big enough, then the burn is a lot less pronounced.\n\n\nBlur sigma\n\nBlur sigma at 0.1 has almost no effect and 0 produces a black image.\n\nAt 0.5 and 1.0, the image grows a lot in contrast / sharpness and surface textures gain some fine details but at the same time the higher you go, the more you will lose variation and detail in the bigger shape of the edges.\n\nA ripped piece of paper will have the rip become more linear as opposed to a random mountain-range.\n\n\nsag_threshold (hidden input)\nSomeone in the GitHub pull request above asked about including a 'sag_threshold' widget to the node as an input. Internally this set to 1 and can't be changed but it's fairly straightforward to implement in the python code so I decided to try it out. The result was that it should just stay as 1.\nFunctionally I think this is like a different kind of inverse 'weight' parameter. I'm sure internally it sets a threshold above or below which the noise won't be or would be applied.\nAt 3ish and above, the image barely changes. At 2ish, there's changes but they're less obvious but you can compare the output images and you are able to tell which one has the node applied to it. At 1 you get the default behavior so everything described above applies.\nAs you approach 0, the effects above get a lot more obvious. The output loses almost all of it's realism/whatever style it's generated it and becomes a weird soft dreamlike ... thing but not in any kind of good way in my opinion.\n\nFeel free to experiment with it, the python code is not difficult to augment, find all the places that mention blur_sigma and scale and add add the seg_threshold parameter if it's there already. If it is there already, change the way it's implemented to match the lines referencing scale and/or blur_sigma\n\nIt's not an effect I'd ever want to apply to images so I won't be keeping this parameter in my local node but it IS there and it does change the image.\n "], 'color': '#432', 'bgcolor': '#653'}, {'id': 244, 'type': 'SelfAttentionGuidance', 'pos': [-4490, -2400], 'size': {'0': 315, '1': 82}, 'flags': {}, 'order': 58, 'mode': 4, 'inputs': [{'name': 'model', 'type': 'MODEL', 'link': 417}], 'outputs': [{'name': 'MODEL', 'type': 'MODEL', 'links': [348], 'shape': 3, 'slot_index': 0}], 'properties': {'Node name for S&R': 'SelfAttentionGuidance'}, 'widgets_values': [1, 0.6000000000000001]}, {'id': 24, 'type': 'CheckpointLoaderSimple', 'pos': [-6370, -2450], 'size': {'0': 700, '1': 140}, 'flags': {}, 'order': 5, 'mode': 0, 'outputs': [{'name': 'MODEL', 'type': 'MODEL', 'links': [416], 'shape': 3, 'slot_index': 0}, {'name': 'CLIP', 'type': 'CLIP', 'links': [414], 'shape': 3, 'slot_index': 1}, {'name': 'VAE', 'type': 'VAE', 'links': [395], 'shape': 3, 'slot_index': 2}], 'properties': {'Node name for S&R': 'CheckpointLoaderSimple'}, 'widgets_values': ['1.5\epicrealism_naturalSinRC1VAE.safetensors']}, {'id': 522, 'type': 'Reroute (rgthree)', 'pos': {'0': -2440, '1': -1652.1060791015625, '2': 0, '3': 0, '4': 0, '5': 0, '6': 0, '7': 0, '8': 0, '9': 0}, 'size': [110, 30], 'flags': {}, 'order': 63, 'mode': 0, 'inputs': [{'name': '', 'type': '', 'link': 863, 'dir': 3, 'has_old_label': True, 'label': ' ', 'slot_index': 0}], 'outputs': [{'name': 'STRING', 'type': 'STRING', 'links': [865], 'dir': 4, 'has_old_label': True, 'label': ' ', 'slot_index': 0}], 'title': 'Text Neg', 'properties': {'resizable': True, 'size': [110, 30], 'showLabel': True}}, {'id': 253, 'type': 'Reroute (rgthree)', 'pos': {'0': -2440, '1': -2010, '2': 0, '3': 0, '4': 0, '5': 0, '6': 0, '7': 0, '8': 0, '9': 0}, 'size': [110, 30], 'flags': {}, 'order': 73, 'mode': 0, 'inputs': [{'name': '', 'type': '', 'link': 357, 'dir': 3, 'has_old_label': True, 'label': ' ', 'slot_index': 0}], 'outputs': [{'name': 'CLIP', 'type': 'CLIP', 'links': [358], 'dir': 4, 'has_old_label': True, 'label': ' ', 'slot_index': 0}], 'title': 'CLIP', 'properties': {'resizable': True, 'size': [110, 30], 'showLabel': True}}, {'id': 524, 'type': 'Context Big (rgthree)', 'pos': {'0': -1023.3206176757812, '1': -2223.821533203125, '2': 0, '3': 0, '4': 0, '5': 0, '6': 0, '7': 0, '8': 0, '9': 0}, 'size': {'0': 317.4000244140625, '1': 466}, 'flags': {'collapsed': False}, 'order': 79, 'mode': 0, 'inputs': [{'name': 'base_ctx', 'type': 'RGTHREE_CONTEXT', 'link': 869, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'model', 'type': 'MODEL', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'clip', 'type': 'CLIP', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'vae', 'type': 'VAE', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'positive', 'type': 'CONDITIONING', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'negative', 'type': 'CONDITIONING', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'latent', 'type': 'LATENT', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'images', 'type': 'IMAGE', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'seed', 'type': 'INT', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'steps', 'type': 'INT', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'step_refiner', 'type': 'INT', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'cfg', 'type': 'FLOAT', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'ckpt_name', 'type': ['1.5\Miniaturus_PotentiaV1.2.safetensors', '1.5\darkSushiMixMix_colorful.safetensors', '1.5\dreamshaper_8.safetensors', '1.5\epicrealism_naturalSinRC1VAE.safetensors', '1.5\majicmixRealistic_v7 _cs2_good_with_hands.safetensors', '1.5\realisticVisionV60B1_v51VAE.safetensors', 'ProteusV0.4.safetensors', 'SR\real-world_ccsr-001.ckpt', 'copaxTimelessxlSDXL1_v10.safetensors', 'drag_nuwa_svd.pth', 'helloworldStable_stageCLiteV01.safetensors', 'inpaint\epicrealism_v10-inpainting.safetensors', 'inpaint\juggerxlInpaint_juggerInpaintV8.safetensors', 'juggernautXL_v7Rundiffusion.safetensors', 'juggernautXL_v8Rundiffusion.safetensors', 'leosamsHelloworldSDXL_helloworldSDXL40.safetensors', 'leosamsHelloworldXL_helloworldXL50GPT4V.safetensors', 'photonium_v10.safetensors', 'protovisionXLHighFidelity3D_releaseV660Bakedvae.safetensors', 'realisticStockPhoto_v10.safetensors', 'stablesr_768v_000139.ckpt', 'svd\stable-video-diffusion-img2vid-xt-1-1.safetensors', 'turbo\formulaxlXLComfyui_v20Pruned.safetensors', 'turbo\sd_xl_turbo_1.0.safetensors', 'turbo\sd_xl_turbo_1.0_fp16.safetensors', 'turbo\turbovisionxlSuperFastXLBasedOnNew_tvxlV431Bakedvae.safetensors', 'zavychromaxl_v40.safetensors'], 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'sampler', 'type': ['euler', 'euler_ancestral', 'heun', 'heunpp2', 'dpm_2', 'dpm_2_ancestral', 'lms', 'dpm_fast', 'dpm_adaptive', 'dpmpp_2s_ancestral', 'dpmpp_sde', 'dpmpp_sde_gpu', 'dpmpp_2m', 'dpmpp_2m_sde', 'dpmpp_2m_sde_gpu', 'dpmpp_3m_sde', 'dpmpp_3m_sde_gpu', 'ddpm', 'lcm', 'ddim', 'uni_pc', 'uni_pc_bh2'], 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'scheduler', 'type': ['normal', 'karras', 'exponential', 'sgm_uniform', 'simple', 'ddim_uniform'], 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'clip_width', 'type': 'INT', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'clip_height', 'type': 'INT', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'text_pos_g', 'type': 'STRING', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'text_pos_l', 'type': 'STRING', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'text_neg_g', 'type': 'STRING', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'text_neg_l', 'type': 'STRING', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'mask', 'type': 'MASK', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'control_net', 'type': 'CONTROL_NET', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}], 'outputs': [{'name': 'CONTEXT', 'type': 'RGTHREE_CONTEXT', 'links': [], 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4, 'slot_index': 0}, {'name': 'MODEL', 'type': 'MODEL', 'links': [], 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4}, {'name': 'CLIP', 'type': 'CLIP', 'links': None, 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4}, {'name': 'VAE', 'type': 'VAE', 'links': None, 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4}, {'name': 'POSITIVE', 'type': 'CONDITIONING', 'links': [], 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4, 'slot_index': 4}, {'name': 'NEGATIVE', 'type': 'CONDITIONING', 'links': [], 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4}, {'name': 'LATENT', 'type': 'LATENT', 'links': [], 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4}, {'name': 'IMAGE', 'type': 'IMAGE', 'links': [], 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4, 'slot_index': 7}, {'name': 'SEED', 'type': 'INT', 'links': [], 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4, 'slot_index': 8}, {'name': 'STEPS', 'type': 'INT', 'links': None, 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4}, {'name': 'STEP_REFINER', 'type': 'INT', 'links': None, 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4}, {'name': 'CFG', 'type': 'FLOAT', 'links': None, 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4}, {'name': 'CKPT_NAME', 'type': 'COMBO', 'links': None, 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4}, {'name': 'SAMPLER', 'type': 'COMBO', 'links': None, 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4}, {'name': 'SCHEDULER', 'type': 'COMBO', 'links': None, 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4}, {'name': 'CLIP_WIDTH', 'type': 'INT', 'links': None, 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4}, {'name': 'CLIP_HEIGHT', 'type': 'INT', 'links': None, 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4}, {'name': 'TEXT_POS_G', 'type': 'STRING', 'links': [871], 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4, 'slot_index': 17}, {'name': 'TEXT_POS_L', 'type': 'STRING', 'links': None, 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4}, {'name': 'TEXT_NEG_G', 'type': 'STRING', 'links': [872], 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4, 'slot_index': 19}, {'name': 'TEXT_NEG_L', 'type': 'STRING', 'links': None, 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4}, {'name': 'MASK', 'type': 'MASK', 'links': None, 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4}, {'name': 'CONTROL_NET', 'type': 'CONTROL_NET', 'links': None, 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4}], 'properties': {}}, {'id': 547, 'type': 'ImageUpscaleWithModel', 'pos': [2736.680062923949, -2111.879406070445], 'size': {'0': 241.79998779296875, '1': 46}, 'flags': {}, 'order': 87, 'mode': 0, 'inputs': [{'name': 'upscale_model', 'type': 'UPSCALE_MODEL', 'link': 893}, {'name': 'image', 'type': 'IMAGE', 'link': 894}], 'outputs': [{'name': 'IMAGE', 'type': 'IMAGE', 'links': [895], 'shape': 3, 'slot_index': 0}], 'properties': {'Node name for S&R': 'ImageUpscaleWithModel'}}, {'id': 550, 'type': 'Primitive integer [Crystools]', 'pos': [-1033.3205474276135, -1423.822052600176], 'size': {'0': 315, '1': 58}, 'flags': {}, 'order': 6, 'mode': 0, 'outputs': [{'name': 'int', 'type': 'INT', 'links': [898, 902], 'shape': 3, 'slot_index': 0}], 'title': 'inference Scale (both stages)', 'properties': {'Node name for S&R': 'Primitive integer [Crystools]'}, 'widgets_values': [70]}, {'id': 545, 'type': 'UpscaleModelLoader', 'pos': [2366.680062923949, -2231.8794060704445], 'size': {'0': 430, '1': 60}, 'flags': {}, 'order': 7, 'mode': 0, 'outputs': [{'name': 'UPSCALE_MODEL', 'type': 'UPSCALE_MODEL', 'links': [893], 'shape': 3, 'slot_index': 0}], 'properties': {'Node name for S&R': 'UpscaleModelLoader'}, 'widgets_values': ['']}, {'id': 546, 'type': 'Note', 'pos': [2856.680062923949, -2241.8794060704445], 'size': {'0': 370, '1': 70}, 'flags': {}, 'order': 8, 'mode': 0, 'properties': {'text': ''}, 'widgets_values': ["Use a model from that's appropriate for the image in question. Exploration is done at 576x320 then upscaled to training set at 1024x576 "], 'color': '#432', 'bgcolor': '#653'}, {'id': 630, 'type': 'Note', 'pos': [-4430, -2260], 'size': {'0': 210, '1': 58}, 'flags': {}, 'order': 9, 'mode': 4, 'properties': {'text': ''}, 'widgets_values': ['SAG WILL BREAK AD LCM!!!!'], 'color': '#432', 'bgcolor': '#653'}, {'id': 251, 'type': 'Note', 'pos': [-4920, -2310], 'size': {'0': 310, '1': 130}, 'flags': {}, 'order': 10, 'mode': 0, 'properties': {'text': ''}, 'widgets_values': ["Some models require a clipskip, check their civitAI page.\nUsually, anime == -2 and realistic == -1 but this isn't a hard and fast rule."], 'color': '#432', 'bgcolor': '#653'}, {'id': 521, 'type': 'Reroute (rgthree)', 'pos': {'0': -2430, '1': -1710, '2': 0, '3': 0, '4': 0, '5': 0, '6': 0, '7': 0, '8': 0, '9': 0}, 'size': [110, 30], 'flags': {}, 'order': 66, 'mode': 0, 'inputs': [{'name': '', 'type': '', 'link': 862, 'dir': 3, 'has_old_label': True, 'label': ' ', 'slot_index': 0}], 'outputs': [{'name': 'STRING', 'type': 'STRING', 'links': [864], 'dir': 4, 'has_old_label': True, 'label': ' ', 'slot_index': 0}], 'title': 'Text Pos', 'properties': {'resizable': True, 'size': [110, 30], 'showLabel': True}}, {'id': 494, 'type': 'Context Big (rgthree)', 'pos': {'0': -1820, '1': -2440, '2': 0, '3': 0, '4': 0, '5': 0, '6': 0, '7': 0, '8': 0, '9': 0}, 'size': {'0': 317.4000244140625, '1': 466}, 'flags': {'collapsed': True}, 'order': 77, 'mode': 0, 'inputs': [{'name': 'base_ctx', 'type': 'RGTHREE_CONTEXT', 'link': 875, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'model', 'type': 'MODEL', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'clip', 'type': 'CLIP', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'vae', 'type': 'VAE', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'positive', 'type': 'CONDITIONING', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'negative', 'type': 'CONDITIONING', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'latent', 'type': 'LATENT', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'images', 'type': 'IMAGE', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 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You can then use topaz video AI to interpolate further (don't abuse it :) )"], 'color': '#432', 'bgcolor': '#653'}, {'id': 539, 'type': 'Reroute (rgthree)', 'pos': {'0': 130, '1': -2380, '2': 0, '3': 0, '4': 0, '5': 0, '6': 0, '7': 0, '8': 0, '9': 0}, 'size': [110, 30], 'flags': {}, 'order': 84, 'mode': 0, 'inputs': [{'name': '', 'type': '', 'link': 886, 'dir': 3, 'has_old_label': True, 'label': ' ', 'slot_index': 0}], 'outputs': [{'name': 'IMAGE', 'type': 'IMAGE', 'links': [887], 'dir': 4, 'has_old_label': True, 'label': ' ', 'slot_index': 0}], 'title': 'ZS1 Frames', 'properties': {'resizable': True, 'size': [110, 30], 'showLabel': True}}, {'id': 534, 'type': 'Context Big (rgthree)', 'pos': {'0': 1530, '1': -2440, '2': 0, '3': 0, '4': 0, '5': 0, '6': 0, '7': 0, '8': 0, '9': 0}, 'size': {'0': 317.4000244140625, '1': 466}, 'flags': {'collapsed': True}, 'order': 80, 'mode': 0, 'inputs': [{'name': 'base_ctx', 'type': 'RGTHREE_CONTEXT', 'link': 880, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'model', 'type': 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'num_inference_steps'}}, {'name': 'guidance_scale', 'type': 'FLOAT', 'link': 908, 'widget': {'name': 'guidance_scale'}}], 'outputs': [{'name': 'IMAGE', 'type': 'IMAGE', 'links': [876, 886], 'shape': 3, 'slot_index': 0}], 'properties': {'Node name for S&R': 'Modelscopet2v'}, 'widgets_values': ['', '', 'cerspense/zeroscope_v2_576w', 25, 8, 1461, 'randomize', 576, 320, 24]}, {'id': 565, 'type': 'ImpactFloat', 'pos': [-1043.3205474276133, -1303.8220526001762], 'size': {'0': 315, '1': 58}, 'flags': {}, 'order': 28, 'mode': 0, 'outputs': [{'name': 'FLOAT', 'type': 'FLOAT', 'links': [907, 908], 'shape': 3, 'slot_index': 0}], 'title': 'Guidance Scale (both stages)', 'properties': {'Node name for S&R': 'ImpactFloat'}, 'widgets_values': [24.5]}, {'id': 659, 'type': 'Note', 'pos': [9170, -1820], 'size': {'0': 290, '1': 80}, 'flags': {}, 'order': 29, 'mode': 0, 'properties': {'text': ''}, 'widgets_values': ['CN values recommended:\n0.66 / 0.250 / 0.750'], 'color': '#432', 'bgcolor': '#653'}, {'id': 549, 'type': 'PreviewImage', 'pos': [4030, -2210], 'size': {'0': 2180, '1': 640}, 'flags': {}, 'order': 90, 'mode': 0, 'inputs': [{'name': 'images', 'type': 'IMAGE', 'link': 897}], 'properties': {'Node name for S&R': 'PreviewImage'}}, {'id': 556, 'type': 'Note', 'pos': [3430, -1580], 'size': {'0': 480, '1': 110}, 'flags': {}, 'order': 30, 'mode': 0, 'properties': {'text': ''}, 'widgets_values': ['the same rules for cfg/inference steps apply here. You can also of course overrided it and use whatever your want for artistic effect / performance consideration. '], 'color': '#432', 'bgcolor': '#653'}, {'id': 753, 'type': '0246.Beautify', 'pos': [7343.904372406339, -1495.1152358931845], 'size': {'0': 390, '1': 140}, 'flags': {}, 'order': 101, 'mode': 0, 'inputs': [{'name': 'data:', 'type': '', 'link': 1242, 'shape': 6}], 'properties': {'Node name for S&R': '0246.Beautify'}, 'widgets_values': ['full', "List of 1:\n Type: str\n Data: 'colorful fireworks over a city skyline at night, incredibly detailed, smooth motion, dramatic lighting, action shot, high quality, 4k'\n"], 'color': '#652069', 'bgcolor': '#764378'}, {'id': 633, 'type': 'FILM VFI', 'pos': [12050, -1370], 'size': {'0': 299.9092712402344, '1': 150}, 'flags': {}, 'order': 113, 'mode': 0, 'inputs': [{'name': 'frames', 'type': 'IMAGE', 'link': 987}, {'name': 'optional_interpolation_states', 'type': 'INTERPOLATION_STATES', 'link': None}], 'outputs': [{'name': 'IMAGE', 'type': 'IMAGE', 'links': [988], 'shape': 3, 'slot_index': 0}], 'properties': {'Node name for S&R': 'FILM VFI'}, 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'dir': 3}, {'name': 'latent', 'type': 'LATENT', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'images', 'type': 'IMAGE', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'seed', 'type': 'INT', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}], 'outputs': [{'name': 'CONTEXT', 'type': 'RGTHREE_CONTEXT', 'links': [1264], 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4, 'slot_index': 0}, {'name': 'MODEL', 'type': 'MODEL', 'links': [], 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4, 'slot_index': 1}, {'name': 'CLIP', 'type': 'CLIP', 'links': [], 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4, 'slot_index': 2}, {'name': 'VAE', 'type': 'VAE', 'links': None, 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4}, {'name': 'POSITIVE', 'type': 'CONDITIONING', 'links': [1256], 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4, 'slot_index': 4}, {'name': 'NEGATIVE', 'type': 'CONDITIONING', 'links': [1257], 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4, 'slot_index': 5}, {'name': 'LATENT', 'type': 'LATENT', 'links': None, 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4}, {'name': 'IMAGE', 'type': 'IMAGE', 'links': [1262, 1292], 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4, 'slot_index': 7}, {'name': 'SEED', 'type': 'INT', 'links': None, 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4}], 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'custom_height': 512, 'frame_load_cap': 0, 'skip_first_frames': 0, 'select_every_nth': 1, 'choose video to upload': 'image', 'videopreview': {'hidden': False, 'paused': False, 'params': {'frame_load_cap': 0, 'skip_first_frames': 0, 'force_rate': 0, 'filename': 'zs_stg2__00001.mp4', 'type': 'input', 'format': 'video/mp4', 'select_every_nth': 1}}}}, {'id': 765, 'type': 'ADE_AnimateDiffSamplingSettings', 'pos': [8570, -420], 'size': {'0': 340, '1': 270}, 'flags': {}, 'order': 55, 'mode': 0, 'inputs': [{'name': 'noise_layers', 'type': 'NOISE_LAYERS', 'link': None}, {'name': 'iteration_opts', 'type': 'ITERATION_OPTS', 'link': 1286, 'slot_index': 1}, {'name': 'seed_override', 'type': 'INT', 'link': None, 'widget': {'name': 'seed_override'}}, {'name': 'sigma_schedule', 'type': 'SIGMA_SCHEDULE', 'link': None}, {'name': 'seed_override', 'type': 'INT', 'link': None, 'widget': {'name': 'seed_override'}}], 'outputs': [{'name': 'settings', 'type': 'SAMPLE_SETTINGS', 'links': [1280], 'shape': 3, 'slot_index': 0}], 'properties': {'Node name for S&R': 'ADE_AnimateDiffSamplingSettings'}, 'widgets_values': [0, 'FreeNoise', 'comfy', 0, 0, False]}, {'id': 250, 'type': 'CLIPSetLastLayer', 'pos': [-4920, -2420], 'size': {'0': 315, '1': 58}, 'flags': {}, 'order': 59, 'mode': 4, 'inputs': [{'name': 'clip', 'type': 'CLIP', 'link': 415}], 'outputs': [{'name': 'CLIP', 'type': 'CLIP', 'links': [356], 'shape': 3, 'slot_index': 0}], 'properties': {'Node name for S&R': 'CLIPSetLastLayer'}, 'widgets_values': [-1]}, {'id': 240, 'type': 'PatchModelAddDownscale', 'pos': [-3530, -2390], 'size': {'0': 490, '1': 230}, 'flags': {}, 'order': 72, 'mode': 0, 'inputs': [{'name': 'model', 'type': 'MODEL', 'link': 343}], 'outputs': [{'name': 'MODEL', 'type': 'MODEL', 'links': [798], 'shape': 3, 'slot_index': 0}], 'properties': {'Node name for S&R': 'PatchModelAddDownscale'}, 'widgets_values': [3, 2, 0, 0.35, True, 'bicubic', 'bicubic']}, {'id': 635, 'type': 'UltimateSDUpscale', 'pos': [11123.904372406312, -2035.1152358931845], 'size': [500, 990], 'flags': {}, 'order': 112, 'mode': 0, 'inputs': [{'name': 'image', 'type': 'IMAGE', 'link': 1263}, {'name': 'model', 'type': 'MODEL', 'link': 1270}, {'name': 'positive', 'type': 'CONDITIONING', 'link': 1273}, {'name': 'negative', 'type': 'CONDITIONING', 'link': 1274}, {'name': 'vae', 'type': 'VAE', 'link': 1259}, {'name': 'upscale_model', 'type': 'UPSCALE_MODEL', 'link': 994, 'slot_index': 5}], 'outputs': [{'name': 'IMAGE', 'type': 'IMAGE', 'links': [987, 995], 'shape': 3, 'slot_index': 0}], 'properties': {'Node name for S&R': 'UltimateSDUpscale'}, 'widgets_values': [2, 44, 'fixed', 6, 1, 'lcm', 'sgm_uniform', 0.3, 'Linear', 512, 512, 32, 64, 'Half Tile', 0.75, 64, 16, 32, True, False]}, {'id': 245, 'type': 'Note', 'pos': [-7350, -3080], 'size': [770, 990], 'flags': {}, 'order': 32, 'mode': 0, 'properties': {'text': ''}, 'widgetsvalues': [" _ __\n ___ () ___ / | / /\n/ // / (-</ / // / ' \ / |/ / \n\_,/_/ /__//\,///()/ |/_/ \n \n@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\n@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(,%@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\n@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.. ..,,/(@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\n@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@&&&&(.... ,/#(%&&&&&&&&@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\n@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@&&&&%%%%#. .. ((,(###%%%%%%&&&&@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\n@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@&&&&%%%###((((#//,,,/,.%%@////(((###%%%%&&&&@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\n@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@&&&%%%###((//.&&@@#(#/&@@@@.,,,*//((###%%%&&&&@@@@@@@@@@@@@\n@@@@@@@@@@@@@@&&&%%%##((/*,,... @%(/((&@@& ..,,//((###%%%&&&@@@@@@@@@@@\n@@@@@@@@@@@@&&&%%##((//*,,. &,.//%& ..,,//((##%%%&&&@@@@@@@@@\n@@@@@@@@@@@&&%%%#((//*,.. ,,/#@/ ..,*//((##%%%&&&@@@@@@@\n@@@@@@@@@&&&%%##((/,,. .&%@#@ ..,//((##%%%&&@@@@@@\n@@@@@@@@&&&%%##((/,,. /@@@@@ ..,,/((##%%%&&@@@@@\n@@@@@@@@&&%%##((/,,. .. * ,.,@@@@@@@@&& ..,,/((##%%%&&@@@@\n@@@@@@@&&&%%##(//,.. ..@@&%.//,/@@@@@@@@& ..,,/((##%%&&&@@@\n@@@@@@@&&&%%#((/,.. ./%&. .,,/(#%@@@@&% ...,//(##%%&&&@@@\n@@@@@@@&&&%%##(//,,. (#% /...,./,,////* .&& ..,,/((##%%&&@@@@\n@@@@@@@@&&%%%#((//,.. , ,*/(((%/(%&@&. ,/. ..,,*/((##%%&&@@@@@\n@@@@@@@@@&&%%%##(//,,.. .., ..,//((@@, /, ..,,//((##%%&&&@@@@@\n@@@@@@@@@@&&&%%##((//.... .,/*%//@##%& .,(...,,//((##%%%&&@@@@@@@\n\n\n VIDEO TESTING GROUNDS BY URSIUM.AI \nCC-BY LICENSE -\nIf you find this useful go give a like to\nAuthor: Stephan Tual\nDate Updated: 03/06/2024\nVersion: 1.0 RELEASE\n\n\n HISTORY \n03/04/2024 - First iteration with basic pipeline\n03/06/2024 - First release after recording tutorial\n\n\n DISCLAIMER \nThis worfklow is provided 'AS IS' and is not supported in ANY way by the author. We are not responsible if the installation of custom nodes breaks your comfyUI install, or for anything for that matter.\nEach node used here is the property of their respective author, please check their respective Githubs if you face an issue.\n\n\n PURPOSE \nTo create a fun video generator, specifically to explore FLATTEN followed by an uspscaling process. \nAs part of it I want to test a few concepts\n\n\n USAGE \n- Use the bookmarks (hit '1', '2' and so on) to navigate.\n- Select a model that works well with the subject in question (dreamshaper does good cars, but epicrealism beats it at crowds, for example)\n- Now test a few images with various LORAs, sag, etc until you're happy with the results for that one prompt (use a separate flow for that)\n- Then run a test on a small zeroscope video to get a base idea of the image composition. Use different seeds and increase inference steps until you're satisfied. Remember you can batch those as the second stage takes pixels anyways so you can reload them anyways for post processing later\n- Once happy with the overall composition, bump the inference steps to the max your hardware will allow and pass it to stage 2 and 3 for upscale and output\n- For creative control, you can change the model settings (SAG will break LCM tho) - if you have the hardware (think A100 cluster), you might want to drop LCM altogether and switch to 'traditional' AD v3\n- You can improve this worflow. For example, add SUPIR (you'll need >64gb ram for the 1440p to 4k upscales). You could also play with the controlnet settings, disable IPAdapter and replace it with a color match, and so on. If you find this interesting, join the discord and show us your work! \n\n\n IMPORTANT \n- Zeroscope doesn't behave like SVD. If you change prompts and stick to the same seed, you will get consistent outputs, sometimes too consistent. Vary seeds A LOT and use this to your advantage.\n- Like everything else this is a number's game. You will need to generate at least 3-4 gens per sequence until you strike something 'useful'. Your GPU should be running at night :) Just use the comfyUI queue feature to create 100's of videos per night, and upscale the best ones the day after.\n\n\n\n NEXT TUTORIALS (MAYBE) **\nI'm sorry, I had to remove this because some bright spark selling shitty LUT packs decided to use this for SEO :(\n\n\nDiscuss at\n"], 'color': '#432', 'bgcolor': '#653'}, {'id': 493, 'type': 'ComfyPets', 'pos': {'0': -6930, '1': -3250, '2': 0, '3': 0, '4': 0, '5': 0, '6': 0, '7': 0, '8': 0, '9': 0}, 'size': {'0': 350, '1': 100}, 'flags': {}, 'order': 33, 'mode': 0, 'inputs': [], 'outputs': [], 'properties': {}}, {'id': 775, 'type': 'Note', 'pos': [-6847.366459856441, -3369.568332293301], 'size': [310, 70], 'flags': {}, 'order': 34, 'mode': 0, 'properties': {'text': ''}, 'widgets_values': ["The worfklow won't work without comfypet. I'm kidding. But it's neat to look at the doggy while it renders :) "], 'color': '#432', 'bgcolor': '#653'}, {'id': 531, 'type': 'Bookmark (rgthree)', 'pos': {'0': -3830, '1': -1580, '2': 0, '3': 0, '4': 0, '5': 0, '6': 0, '7': 0, '8': 0, '9': 0}, 'size': {'0': 210, '1': 62}, 'flags': {}, 'order': 35, 'mode': 0, 'inputs': [], 'outputs': [], 'properties': {}, 'widgets_values': ['3', 1.9000000000000006]}, {'id': 568, 'type': 'Bookmark (rgthree)', 'pos': {'0': 2010, '1': -2410, '2': 0, '3': 0, '4': 0, '5': 0, '6': 0, '7': 0, '8': 0, '9': 0}, 'size': {'0': 210, '1': 62}, 'flags': {}, 'order': 36, 'mode': 0, 'inputs': [], 'outputs': [], 'properties': {}, 'widgets_values': ['5', 1]}, {'id': 569, 'type': 'Bookmark (rgthree)', 'pos': {'0': 6950, '1': -2560, '2': 0, '3': 0, '4': 0, '5': 0, '6': 0, '7': 0, '8': 0, '9': 0}, 'size': {'0': 210, '1': 62}, 'flags': {}, 'order': 37, 'mode': 0, 'inputs': [], 'outputs': [], 'properties': {}, 'widgets_values': ['6', 0.5000000000000001]}, {'id': 544, 'type': 'Note', 'pos': [3200, -1660], 'size': {'0': 210, '1': 180}, 'flags': {}, 'order': 38, 'mode': 0, 'properties': {'text': ''}, 'widgets_values': ["works best at 1024x576 with a denoise strength between 0.66 and 0.85\n\nVAE Slicing will help with ram but (may) add lines. It's pretty RAM friendly (12gb should be okay)"], 'color': '#432', 'bgcolor': '#653'}, {'id': 770, 'type': 'Note', 'pos': [7290, -1230], 'size': {'0': 340, '1': 180}, 'flags': {}, 'order': 39, 'mode': 0, 'title': 'Potential neg prompts', 'properties': {'text': ''}, 'widgets_values': ['bad quality, blurry, cartoon, cgi, render, illustration, painting, drawing\n\nextra limbs, dull floor, blurry, low quality, low detail, artifacts, fast motion, bad lighting'], 'color': '#432', 'bgcolor': '#653'}, {'id': 776, 'type': 'Note', 'pos': [-693.3328887299363, -1236.2882600265762], 'size': {'0': 210, '1': 58}, 'flags': {}, 'order': 40, 'mode': 0, 'properties': {'text': ''}, 'widgets_values': ['Higher values == usually better. Always slower.'], 'color': '#432', 'bgcolor': '#653'}, {'id': 750, 'type': 'Text Multiline', 'pos': [6853.904372406335, -1345.1152358931845], 'size': {'0': 400, '1': 200}, 'flags': {}, 'order': 41, 'mode': 0, 'outputs': [{'name': 'STRING', 'type': 'STRING', 'links': [1239], 'shape': 3, 'slot_index': 0}], 'title': 'Negative Prompt', 'properties': {'Node name for S&R': 'Text Multiline'}, 'widgets_values': ['watermark, text, signature, blurry']}, {'id': 652, 'type': 'Context Big (rgthree)', 'pos': {'0': 6853.90478515625, '1': -2215.115234375, '2': 0, '3': 0, '4': 0, '5': 0, '6': 0, '7': 0, '8': 0, '9': 0}, 'size': {'0': 317.4000244140625, '1': 466}, 'flags': {'collapsed': False}, 'order': 96, 'mode': 0, 'inputs': [{'name': 'base_ctx', 'type': 'RGTHREE_CONTEXT', 'link': 1063, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'model', 'type': 'MODEL', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'clip', 'type': 'CLIP', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'vae', 'type': 'VAE', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'positive', 'type': 'CONDITIONING', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'negative', 'type': 'CONDITIONING', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'latent', 'type': 'LATENT', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'images', 'type': 'IMAGE', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'seed', 'type': 'INT', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'steps', 'type': 'INT', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'step_refiner', 'type': 'INT', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'cfg', 'type': 'FLOAT', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'ckpt_name', 'type': ['1.5\Miniaturus_PotentiaV1.2.safetensors', '1.5\darkSushiMixMix_colorful.safetensors', '1.5\dreamshaper_8.safetensors', '1.5\epicrealism_naturalSinRC1VAE.safetensors', '1.5\majicmixRealistic_v7 _cs2_good_with_hands.safetensors', '1.5\realisticVisionV60B1_v51VAE.safetensors', 'ProteusV0.4.safetensors', 'SR\real-world_ccsr-001.ckpt', 'copaxTimelessxlSDXL1_v10.safetensors', 'drag_nuwa_svd.pth', 'helloworldStable_stageCLiteV01.safetensors', 'inpaint\epicrealism_v10-inpainting.safetensors', 'inpaint\juggerxlInpaint_juggerInpaintV8.safetensors', 'juggernautXL_v7Rundiffusion.safetensors', 'juggernautXL_v8Rundiffusion.safetensors', 'leosamsHelloworldSDXL_helloworldSDXL40.safetensors', 'leosamsHelloworldXL_helloworldXL50GPT4V.safetensors', 'photonium_v10.safetensors', 'protovisionXLHighFidelity3D_releaseV660Bakedvae.safetensors', 'realisticStockPhoto_v10.safetensors', 'stablesr_768v_000139.ckpt', 'svd\stable-video-diffusion-img2vid-xt-1-1.safetensors', 'turbo\formulaxlXLComfyui_v20Pruned.safetensors', 'turbo\sd_xl_turbo_1.0.safetensors', 'turbo\sd_xl_turbo_1.0_fp16.safetensors', 'turbo\turbovisionxlSuperFastXLBasedOnNew_tvxlV431Bakedvae.safetensors', 'zavychromaxl_v40.safetensors'], 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'sampler', 'type': ['euler', 'euler_ancestral', 'heun', 'heunpp2', 'dpm_2', 'dpm_2_ancestral', 'lms', 'dpm_fast', 'dpm_adaptive', 'dpmpp_2s_ancestral', 'dpmpp_sde', 'dpmpp_sde_gpu', 'dpmpp_2m', 'dpmpp_2m_sde', 'dpmpp_2m_sde_gpu', 'dpmpp_3m_sde', 'dpmpp_3m_sde_gpu', 'ddpm', 'lcm', 'ddim', 'uni_pc', 'uni_pc_bh2'], 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'scheduler', 'type': ['normal', 'karras', 'exponential', 'sgm_uniform', 'simple', 'ddim_uniform'], 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'clip_width', 'type': 'INT', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'clip_height', 'type': 'INT', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'text_pos_g', 'type': 'STRING', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'text_pos_l', 'type': 'STRING', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'text_neg_g', 'type': 'STRING', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'text_neg_l', 'type': 'STRING', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'mask', 'type': 'MASK', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}, {'name': 'control_net', 'type': 'CONTROL_NET', 'link': None, 'dir': 3}], 'outputs': [{'name': 'CONTEXT', 'type': 'RGTHREE_CONTEXT', 'links': [1247], 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4, 'slot_index': 0}, {'name': 'MODEL', 'type': 'MODEL', 'links': [], 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4, 'slot_index': 1}, {'name': 'CLIP', 'type': 'CLIP', 'links': [], 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4, 'slot_index': 2}, {'name': 'VAE', 'type': 'VAE', 'links': [], 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4, 'slot_index': 3}, {'name': 'POSITIVE', 'type': 'CONDITIONING', 'links': [], 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4, 'slot_index': 4}, {'name': 'NEGATIVE', 'type': 'CONDITIONING', 'links': [], 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4, 'slot_index': 5}, {'name': 'LATENT', 'type': 'LATENT', 'links': [], 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4}, {'name': 'IMAGE', 'type': 'IMAGE', 'links': [], 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4, 'slot_index': 7}, {'name': 'SEED', 'type': 'INT', 'links': [], 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4, 'slot_index': 8}, {'name': 'STEPS', 'type': 'INT', 'links': None, 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4}, {'name': 'STEP_REFINER', 'type': 'INT', 'links': None, 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4}, {'name': 'CFG', 'type': 'FLOAT', 'links': None, 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4}, {'name': 'CKPT_NAME', 'type': 'COMBO', 'links': None, 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4}, {'name': 'SAMPLER', 'type': 'COMBO', 'links': None, 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4}, {'name': 'SCHEDULER', 'type': 'COMBO', 'links': None, 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4}, {'name': 'CLIP_WIDTH', 'type': 'INT', 'links': None, 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4}, {'name': 'CLIP_HEIGHT', 'type': 'INT', 'links': None, 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4}, {'name': 'TEXT_POS_G', 'type': 'STRING', 'links': [1245], 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4, 'slot_index': 17}, {'name': 'TEXT_POS_L', 'type': 'STRING', 'links': None, 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4}, {'name': 'TEXT_NEG_G', 'type': 'STRING', 'links': [], 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4, 'slot_index': 19}, {'name': 'TEXT_NEG_L', 'type': 'STRING', 'links': None, 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4}, {'name': 'MASK', 'type': 'MASK', 'links': None, 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4}, {'name': 'CONTROL_NET', 'type': 'CONTROL_NET', 'links': None, 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4}], 'properties': {}}, {'id': 777, 'type': 'Note', 'pos': [7140, -690], 'size': [250, 120], 'flags': {}, 'order': 42, 'mode': 0, 'properties': {'text': ''}, 'widgets_values': ["To use this, just overide 'images' from the context big node. (see video if you don't follow)"], 'color': '#432', 'bgcolor': '#653'}, {'id': 526, 'type': 'VHS_VideoCombine', 'pos': [110, -1990], 'size': [690, 680], 'flags': {}, 'order': 83, 'mode': 0, 'inputs': [{'name': 'images', 'type': 'IMAGE', 'link': 876}, {'name': 'audio', 'type': 'VHS_AUDIO', 'link': None}, {'name': 'batch_manager', 'type': 'VHS_BatchManager', 'link': None}], 'outputs': [{'name': 'Filenames', 'type': 'VHS_FILENAMES', 'links': None, 'shape': 3}], 'properties': {'Node name for S&R': 'VHS_VideoCombine'}, 'widgets_values': {'frame_rate': 24, 'loop_count': 0, 'filename_prefix': 'zsstg1', 'format': 'video/h264-mp4', 'pix_fmt': 'yuv420p', 'crf': 4, 'save_metadata': True, 'pingpong': False, 'save_output': True, 'videopreview': {'hidden': False, 'paused': False, 'params': {'filename': 'zs_stg1__00011.mp4', 'subfolder': '', 'type': 'output', 'format': 'video/h264-mp4'}}}}, {'id': 769, 'type': 'ADE_IterationOptsFreeInit', 'pos': [8190, -400], 'size': {'0': 315, '1': 274}, 'flags': {}, 'order': 43, 'mode': 0, 'outputs': [{'name': 'ITERATION_OPTS', 'type': 'ITERATION_OPTS', 'links': [1286], 'shape': 3, 'slot_index': 0}], 'properties': {'Node name for S&R': 'ADE_IterationOptsFreeInit'}, 'widgets_values': [2, 'gaussian', 0.25, 0.25, 4, 999, False, 'FreeInit [sampler sigma]', 0, 1]}, {'id': 530, 'type': 'Seed (rgthree)', 'pos': [-993.3205474276137, -1633.8220526001758], 'size': {'0': 270, '1': 150}, 'flags': {}, 'order': 44, 'mode': 0, 'outputs': [{'name': 'SEED', 'type': 'INT', 'links': [877, 882], 'shape': 3, 'dir': 4, 'slot_index': 0}], 'title': 'Zeroscope Seed', 'properties': {'Node name for S&R': 'Seed (rgthree)'}, 'widgets_values': [1013989235136141, None, None, None]}, {'id': 294, 'type': 'Fast Groups Bypasser (rgthree)', 'pos': {'0': -6910, '1': -1760, '2': 0, '3': 0, '4': 0, '5': 0, '6': 0, '7': 0, '8': 0, '9': 0}, 'size': {'0': 360, '1': 160}, 'flags': {}, 'order': 45, 'mode': 0, 'inputs': [], 'outputs': [{'name': 'OPT_CONNECTION', 'type': '', 'links': None}], 'title': 'Misc. Options', 'properties': {'matchColors': 'brown', 'matchTitle': '', 'showNav': True, 'sort': 'position', 'customSortAlphabet': '', 'toggleRestriction': 'default'}}, {'id': 523, 'type': 'Note', 'pos': [-533.3205474276142, -1783.8220526001758], 'size': {'0': 470, '1': 330}, 'flags': {}, 'order': 46, 'mode': 0, 'properties': {'text': ''}, 'widgets_values': ["Do not go below 24 frames. Above 24f you will get noise patterns. Use interpolation to get longer videos. \nI found that 24 was optimal, but sometimes 32 can get good results (rarely)\n\nThe purpose of this stage is exploration, the v2v model is purely for upscaling\n\nInference steps controls the 'quality' of the image to an extent - low inference steps == nightmare fuel. 25 is a good starting point. Think of it as 'steps' - sometimes higher == more details. Sometimes the composition breaks down. I've used it at 100 on some shots, sometimes even higher (200!!!). Evidently, the higher the slower.\n\nGuidance scale: think of it as CFG. If you went the 'short prompt' approach, be careful with low cfg, but sometimes it can give artistic outputs. From my test on industrial architecture, a minimum of 4 is needed. 9 is the default. Higher is not always better but can lead to some interesting outputs. "], 'color': '#432', 'bgcolor': '#653'}, {'id': 744, 'type': 'Text Multiline', 'pos': [-3555.5279494075544, -1363.3337446865792], 'size': {'0': 400, '1': 200}, 'flags': {}, 'order': 47, 'mode': 0, 'outputs': [{'name': 'STRING', 'type': 'STRING', 'links': [1221], 'shape': 3, 'slot_index': 0}], 'title': 'Positive Prompt', 'properties': {'Node name for S&R': 'Text Multiline'}, 'widgets_values': ['colorful fireworks over a city skyline at night']}], 'links': [[343, 239, 0, 240, 0, 'MODEL'], [348, 244, 0, 239, 0, 'MODEL'], [356, 250, 0, 252, 0, ''], [357, 252, 0, 253, 0, ''], [358, 253, 0, 44, 2, 'CLIP'], [367, 259, 0, 44, 8, 'INT'], [368, 41, 0, 260, 0, ''], [369, 260, 0, 259, 0, ''], [393, 275, 0, 44, 3, 'VAE'], [395, 24, 2, 276, 0, ''], [396, 276, 0, 275, 0, ''], [414, 24, 1, 295, 1, 'CLIP'], [415, 295, 1, 250, 0, 'CLIP'], [416, 24, 0, 295, 0, 'MODEL'], [417, 295, 0, 244, 0, 'MODEL'], [798, 240, 0, 487, 0, 'MODEL'], [799, 487, 0, 44, 1, 'MODEL'], [854, 494, 0, 513, 0, 'RGTHREE_CONTEXT'], [860, 518, 0, 520, 0, ''], [862, 519, 0, 521, 0, ''], [863, 520, 0, 522, 0, ''], [864, 521, 0, 44, 17, 'STRING'], [865, 522, 0, 44, 19, 'STRING'], [869, 513, 0, 524, 0, 'RGTHREE_CONTEXT'], [871, 524, 17, 514, 0, 'STRING'], [872, 524, 19, 514, 1, 'STRING'], [875, 44, 0, 494, 0, 'RGTHREE_CONTEXT'], [876, 514, 0, 526, 0, 'IMAGE'], [877, 530, 0, 514, 2, 'INT'], [880, 513, 0, 534, 0, 'RGTHREE_CONTEXT'], [881, 534, 0, 535, 0, 'RGTHREE_CONTEXT'], [882, 530, 0, 536, 0, ''], [883, 536, 0, 537, 0, ''], [884, 537, 0, 538, 0, ''], [885, 538, 0, 533, 3, 'INT'], [886, 514, 0, 539, 0, ''], [887, 539, 0, 540, 0, ''], [888, 540, 0, 541, 0, ''], [890, 535, 17, 533, 1, 'STRING'], [891, 535, 19, 533, 2, 'STRING'], [892, 533, 0, 542, 0, 'IMAGE'], [893, 545, 0, 547, 0, 'UPSCALE_MODEL'], [894, 541, 0, 547, 1, 'IMAGE'], [895, 547, 0, 548, 0, 'IMAGE'], [896, 548, 0, 533, 0, 'IMAGE'], [897, 548, 0, 549, 0, 'IMAGE'], [898, 550, 0, 551, 0, ''], [899, 551, 0, 552, 0, ''], [900, 552, 0, 553, 0, ''], [901, 553, 0, 533, 4, 'INT'], [902, 550, 0, 514, 3, 'INT'], [903, 557, 0, 533, 5, 'FLOAT'], [904, 559, 0, 557, 0, ''], [905, 561, 0, 559, 0, ''], [906, 562, 0, 561, 0, ''], [907, 565, 0, 562, 0, ''], [908, 565, 0, 514, 4, 'FLOAT'], [948, 533, 0, 601, 0, ''], [987, 635, 0, 633, 0, 'IMAGE'], [988, 633, 0, 634, 0, 'IMAGE'], [994, 636, 0, 635, 5, 'UPSCALE_MODEL'], [995, 635, 0, 637, 0, 'IMAGE'], [999, 643, 0, 641, 0, 'CLIP_VISION'], [1000, 649, 0, 641, 1, 'IMAGE'], [1001, 644, 0, 642, 0, 'IPADAPTER'], [1002, 641, 0, 642, 1, 'EMBEDS'], [1007, 648, 0, 647, 2, 'CONTROL_NET'], [1063, 670, 0, 652, 0, 'RGTHREE_CONTEXT'], [1083, 534, 0, 677, 0, 'RGTHREE_CONTEXT'], [1221, 744, 0, 519, 0, ''], [1229, 601, 0, 677, 7, 'IMAGE'], [1230, 677, 0, 747, 0, 'RGTHREE_CONTEXT'], [1234, 747, 0, 670, 0, 'RGTHREE_CONTEXT'], [1239, 750, 0, 748, 1, 'STRING'], [1240, 751, 0, 749, 1, 'STRING'], [1241, 752, 0, 751, 1, 'STRING'], [1242, 751, 0, 753, 0, ''], [1245, 652, 17, 751, 0, 'STRING'], [1247, 652, 0, 754, 0, 'RGTHREE_CONTEXT'], [1248, 754, 2, 749, 0, 'CLIP'], [1249, 754, 2, 748, 0, 'CLIP'], [1250, 754, 0, 755, 0, 'RGTHREE_CONTEXT'], [1251, 749, 0, 755, 4, 'CONDITIONING'], [1252, 748, 0, 755, 5, 'CONDITIONING'], [1253, 755, 0, 756, 0, 'RGTHREE_CONTEXT'], [1256, 756, 4, 647, 0, 'CONDITIONING'], [1257, 756, 5, 647, 1, 'CONDITIONING'], [1259, 757, 3, 635, 4, 'VAE'], [1262, 756, 7, 649, 0, 'IMAGE'], [1263, 757, 7, 635, 0, 'IMAGE'], [1264, 756, 0, 758, 0, 'RGTHREE_CONTEXT'], [1267, 758, 0, 759, 0, 'RGTHREE_CONTEXT'], [1268, 759, 0, 757, 0, 'RGTHREE_CONTEXT'], [1269, 642, 0, 759, 1, 'MODEL'], [1270, 757, 1, 635, 1, 'MODEL'], [1273, 757, 4, 635, 2, 'CONDITIONING'], [1274, 757, 5, 635, 3, 'CONDITIONING'], [1277, 760, 0, 761, 0, 'MOTION_MODEL_ADE'], [1278, 761, 0, 762, 1, 'M_MODELS'], [1279, 763, 0, 762, 2, 'CONTEXT_OPTIONS'], [1280, 765, 0, 762, 3, 'SAMPLE_SETTINGS'], [1286, 769, 0, 765, 1, 'ITERATION_OPTS'], [1289, 762, 0, 642, 2, 'MODEL'], [1290, 647, 0, 758, 4, 'CONDITIONING'], [1291, 647, 1, 758, 5, 'CONDITIONING'], [1292, 756, 7, 647, 3, 'IMAGE'], [1293, 758, 1, 762, 0, 'MODEL']], 'groups': [{'title': 'FreeU V2', 'bounding': [-4069, -2485, 440, 358], 'color': '#b58b2a', 'font_size': 24, 'locked': False}, {'title': 'Deep Shrink', 'bounding': [-3622, -2485, 640, 420], 'color': '#b58b2a', 'font_size': 24, 'locked': False}, {'title': 'Auto_CFG', 'bounding': [-2966, -2481, 450, 417], 'color': '#b58b2a', 'font_size': 24, 'locked': False}, {'title': 'SAG', 'bounding': [-4545, -2485, 461, 415], 'color': '#b58b2a', 'font_size': 24, 'locked': False}, {'title': 'URSIUM.AI - CC-BY', 'bounding': [-7394, -4540, 2808, 381], 'color': '#ff0000', 'font_size': 300, 'locked': False}, {'title': 'STOCK FOOTAGE GENERATOR (ZEROSCOPE)', 'bounding': [-7389, -4120, 3408, 206], 'color': '#ff0000', 'font_size': 150, 'locked': False}, {'title': '', 'bounding': [-7394, -3894, 2196, 181], 'color': '#ff0000', 'font_size': 120, 'locked': False}, {'title': 'Switches', 'bounding': [-7364, -2062, 843, 593], 'color': '#3f789e', 'font_size': 24, 'locked': False}, {'title': 'Model', 'bounding': [-6396, -2550, 3911, 524], 'color': '#3f789e', 'font_size': 24, 'locked': False}, {'title': 'Prompt Builder', 'bounding': [-3597, -1470, 566, 683], 'color': '#3f789e', 'font_size': 24, 'locked': False}, {'title': 'Image Seed', 'bounding': [-6218, -1925, 554, 326], 'color': '#3f789e', 'font_size': 24, 'locked': False}, {'title': 'MODEL & PROMPT', 'bounding': [-4977, -3286, 977, 136], 'color': '#00ff00', 'font_size': 100, 'locked': False}, {'title': 'Zeroscope Stage 2', 'bounding': [3842, -2857, 905, 144], 'color': '#00ff00', 'font_size': 100, 'locked': False}, {'title': 'Zeroscope Stage 1', 'bounding': [-1084, -2333, 2704, 1729], 'color': '#b06634', 'font_size': 24, 'locked': False}, {'title': 'Zeroscope Stage 1', 'bounding': [-215, -2878, 875, 146], 'color': '#00ff00', 'font_size': 100, 'locked': False}, {'title': 'Zeroscope Stage 2', 'bounding': [1953, -2317, 4437, 2690], 'color': '#b06634', 'font_size': 24, 'locked': False}, {'title': 'AD LCM 1 STEP', 'bounding': [6814, -2312, 6754, 2382], 'color': '#b06634', 'font_size': 24, 'locked': False}, {'title': 'AD LCM - 1 STEP', 'bounding': [9860, -2829, 822, 119], 'color': '#00ff00', 'font_size': 100, 'locked': False}], 'config': {}, 'extra': {'0246.VERSION': [0, 0, 4]}, 'version': 0.4} - - [08/Mar/2024 10:11:55] "POST /api/import_project HTTP/1.1" 500 -

dylanintech commented 4 months ago

hey @fedepalu2 - can you please try following the instructions in this new branch for windows installation support:

fedepalu2 commented 4 months ago

Ok I could install but after some frustration because no space available i managed by monut a virtual disk and force Docker to use that disk, I could import the workflow but after Comfyui doesen't start, the browser says localhost:4001 ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

Also docker consume most of the ram and is not good. Tomorrow I will do more test.

dylanintech commented 4 months ago

Ok I could install but after some frustration because no space available i managed by monut a virtual disk and force Docker to use that disk, I could import the workflow but after Comfyui doesen't start, the browser says localhost:4001 ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

Also docker consume most of the ram and is not good. Tomorrow I will do more test.

thank you for testing @fedepalu2 - can you please tell me what error you're seeing in the terminal after clicking the "launch" button on a project? this would let me know how to fix this issue.

dylanintech commented 4 months ago

hey @fedepalu2 - new update! we just pushed a fix to the new-docker-setup branch. if you follow the instructions (option 1: docker) on that branch's README, you should be able to get the launcher to work! thank you for your patience.

let me know if it works and if this issue should be closed!

essentially this is the only command that you would have to run (make sure docker is installed on your machine):

docker run \
--gpus all \
--rm \
--name comfyui_launcher \
-p 4000-4100:4000-4100 \
-v $(pwd)/comfyui_launcher_models:/app/server/models \
-v $(pwd)/comfyui_launcher_projects:/app/server/projects \
-it thecooltechguy/comfyui_launcher:new-docker-setup
fedepalu2 commented 4 months ago

When docker is running the pc become very sloowly, further if i restart I have to reimport the workflow and download all the model, that take too much time. Still is not working... seems not viable for me.

thecooltechguy commented 4 months ago

@fedepalu2 just wanted to update that we've updated this repo's main branch to have all the fixes necessary for windows + docker

First, you can update to the latest docker image, with this commands:

docker pull thecooltechguy/comfyui_launcher 

and then to start docker, you can run:

docker run ^
--gpus all ^ # remove this line if you don't have a GPU
--rm ^
--name comfyui_launcher ^
-p 4000-4100:4000-4100 ^
-v %cd%/comfyui_launcher_models:/app/server/models ^
-v %cd%/comfyui_launcher_projects:/app/server/projects ^
-it thecooltechguy/comfyui_launcher

Btw, all workflows are saved, so when you restart, you won't have to re-download any models or re-import any workflows.

If the latest update is still not working for you, can you kindly share a short screen recording of what you are trying and how it is not working? thank you so much for your help with this!

thecooltechguy commented 4 months ago

Closing due to no response, feel free to re-open anytime!

fedepalu2 commented 4 months ago

@thecooltechguy I'm again trying to use it. What means "Use a static port" in the import dialog? While importing, if i click in the page the popup disappear and I have no information about the process, I my look at the terminal but is not clear what is doing, I see some "POST /api/import_project HTTP/1.1" 500 - and some "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 and long time waiting and don't know if the process is going on or what, I can just wait and hope.

fedepalu2 commented 4 months ago

what to do? (i don't post all the json because is very long - - [13/Mar/2024 09:19:33] "GET /api/settings HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [13/Mar/2024 09:19:33] "GET /api/projects HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [13/Mar/2024 09:19:36] "GET /import HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [13/Mar/2024 09:19:36] "GET /assets/index-BcHurkhF.css HTTP/1.1" 304 - - - [13/Mar/2024 09:19:36] "GET /assets/index-B7I_54js.js HTTP/1.1" 304 - - - [13/Mar/2024 09:19:36] "GET /api/settings HTTP/1.1" 200 - Detected workflow json format, converting to launcher json format [2024-03-13 09:20:04,625] ERROR in app: Exception on /api/import_project [POST] Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/flask/", line 1463, in wsgi_app response = self.full_dispatch_request() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/flask/", line 872, in full_dispatch_request rv = self.handle_user_exception(e) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/flask/", line 870, in full_dispatch_request rv = self.dispatch_request() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/flask/", line 855, in dispatch_request return self.ensure_sync(self.view_functions[rule.endpoint])(**view_args) # type: ignore[no-any-return] File "/app/server/", line 233, in import_project res = get_launcher_json_for_workflow_json(import_json, resolved_missing_models, skip_model_validation) File "/app/server/", line 384, in get_launcher_json_for_workflow_json response.status_code == 200 or response.status_code == 400 AssertionError: Failed to get launcher json for workflow json:...... [...] - - [13/Mar/2024 09:20:04] "POST /api/import_project HTTP/1.1" 500 -