Commander-Cat101 / BloonFactoryMod

make bloon.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
4 stars 1 forks source link

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How to use

Selector Menu

The Bloon Editor is accessed through the main menu on the left. This is where you can make your own bloons. You can import or create a bloon in here and when you are ready to edit a bloon, you just need to click the edit button. You can also export your bloons from here. When you create or import a bloon you must restart the game before it will be spawnable.

Actual Editor

In the editor there are 4 different tabs allowing you to edit 4 different aspects of the bloon.

This is my beautiful guide on how to make bloon. Yippee!

If you would like to share your bloons or ask questions you can on my discord!

Requires BTD6 Mod Helper