CommissarMa / CSRNet-pytorch

The simple implemention of CSRNet.
MIT License
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This is an simple and clean implemention of CVPR 2018 paper "CSRNet: Dilated Convolutional Neural Networks for Understanding the Highly Congested Scenes".


  1. Install pytorch 1.0.0+
  2. Install tensorboardX
  3. Clone this repository
    git clone

    We'll call the directory that you cloned CSRNet-pytorch as ROOT.

Data Setup

  1. Download ShanghaiTech Dataset from Dropbox or Baidu Disk (code: a2v8)
  2. Put ShanghaiTech Dataset in 'ROOT/data'. You can find two python scripts in 'data_preparation' folder which are used to generate ground truth density-map for ShanghaiTech PartA and PartB respectively. (Mind that you need move the script to corresponding sub dataset folder like 'ROOT/data/part_A_final' and run it)


  3. Modify the dataset root in ''
  4. Run ''
  5. Open the command line and type in 'tensorboard --logdir=ROOT/runs', then browse 'localhost:6006' to see the visual result.


  1. Run '' for calculate MAE of test images or just show an estimated density-map.

Other notes

  1. We trained the model and got 67.74 MAE at 124-th epoch on ShanghaiTech PartA. Got 8.68 MAE on PartB at 94-th epoch.
  2. If you are new to crowd counting, we recommand you to take a look at Crowd_counting_from_scratch first. It is a tutorial for crowd counting beginner.