A Stream Deck plugin for Mac to have some clipboard entries handy (independently from clipboard always changing status).
If you are on Windows, check BarRaider's "Multi Clip" function available in his Win Tools plugin.
Here is the list of functionalities that are either missing or incomplete:
In order to benefit from this plugin you will need:
Please refer to the [USAGE.md] file for more information.
The content of the clipboard can be sensitive (API key, password, confidential text...) so you may benefit from this plugin but do not want to risk leaking info. That is why the following decisions have been made implementing the plugin:
Open the XCode project file in Sources and have fun !
To build, you can either use the XCode UI or use the complete flow script __local_test.sh__.
To help you with local testing, you can either use the _grab-build-for-dev.sh script that will take the binary generated by XCode and put it into the open-folder version of the plugin in the repo.
If you use the __local_test.sh__ script, it will take the binary out of the command-line build and put it in the same location.
Once in the open-folder plugin, the _deploy-plugin-dev.sh script (or the next step in the local_test.sh script) will rsync this folder into the proper location for the Stream Deck app. You just need to start the app to load this latest version (__local_test.sh__ will do it for you).
For the releasing, you can use the package_for_release.sh script that will download the DIstributionTool from Elgato (if not yet present) and generate the plugin archive from the folder (be sure that the folder is complete ^_^).
This code is available under the GPLv3 license (see the COPYING or LICENSE file).