Comp-UFSCar / cg-2015-lib

Repository for Computer Graphics lecture at UFSCar (Fall/2015)
1 stars 1 forks source link

Computer Graphics and Multimedia (UFSCar/Fall 2015)

How to Compile/Execute


Library X11 and CMake are required to run this code so if you're using Debian-based (Linux Mint / Ubuntu) don't forget to:

sudo apt-get install libX11-dev 
sudo apt-get install cmake
# Clone the repository
git clone
# Cloning into 'computer_graphics_ufscar2015'...
# ...

# Navigate to the directory
cd computer_graphics_ufscar2015
# Make a build directory and navigate to it
mkdir build
cd build

# Generate CMake cache and other stuff
cmake ..
# Time to compile

# If everything goes well and you see [100%] Built target monitor_cthulhu
# Execute the binary