ComparativeSystemsBiologyGroup / SeqDex

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A model to deconvolve endosymbionts genomic sequences insides whole genome sequences of both host and symbionts. It is written in bash and is composed by bash package and R scripts. It can be executed by running both the .sh script or script independently in bash. It has been developed in Linux.


SeqDex does not need to be installed, just download and decompress the directory. To run, the first time only run

chmod 755

Inside the SeqDex folder




These dependences need to be installed if you wish to run SeqDex using also using taxonomic affiliation obtained by align sequences to protein database


SeqDex needs databases to obtain taxonomic affiliations. In detail, two are mandatory: a nucleotidic database, either NCBI nt or a custom made database in blast format with NCBI titles; RDP bacterial 16S (unaligned), both the fasta file and the blast format database. If you wish to use protein, also a protein database, either nr NCBI or a custom database with NCBI titles, in diamond format. Nr NCBI database is available only in blast format, but to improve computational time, we choose not to use blastp.


SeqDex needs two input files: contigs file resulting from assembly (fasta format) and the alignment file obtained through alignment of the assembly reads to the contigs (sam format). You can choose which program use: we tested SeqDex by assembling with SPADes and mapping using Bowtie, but it needs just an alignment file in sam format and assembly in fasta format.

Quick Run:

To run SeqDex first open the file with you text editor and complete the mandatory variables fields. If you wish, you can save the sh file with another name, just do not forget to rerun chmod command first. Then copy the sh in the folder where you want to run SeqDex and just run the command below

./ basename_alignment basename_contig

This will run SeqDex by using:

Custom Run:

You can run SeqDex by using also proteic taxonomic affiliation and changing machine learning algorithm by modifying TAX and MLALG variables in Also, the R scripts are highly flexible and allow to run iteratively the machine learning predictive step first to perform the final clustering. To do so, please first read the manual and/or run in bash terminal

Rscript name_script.R -h 

to see the list of all available option for each R script of SeqDex. Then, you can choose to modify the file or to run the R scripts independently.


SeqDex will produce various files. Most of them are used to deconvolving sequences. Sequences of putative target symbiont are listed in fasta file ClusteringOutput/OutputClustering.fasta It contains the sequences in fasta format of the cluster that contains the 16S rRNA of interest.