ComplianceCow / CAML

Continuous Audit Metrics Catalog
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Continuous Audit Metrics Library

How to get started?

Clone the repo and all that

Have docker installed

Instantiate the cluster:

Using docker compose:

docker compose -p caml_dev -f Docker/docker-compose.caml_dev.yaml up -d

The docker-compose file runs both the YugabyteDB and the caml_dev images.

The caml_dev images is configured as specified in Dockerfile.caml_dev. This includes to clone a copy of the repository into the image for in image development. What you need to do is tell docker-compose which repository to use. There are two options:

GITREPO=  docker compose -f Docker/docker-compose.caml_dev.yaml up -d

(NOTE: Docker's environment/.env variable behavior is super overloaded. see as a starting point if you have trouble. An environment variable specified on the command line like this should overload whats in the .env file)


To help get things going an instance of prometheus and grafana are installed. The way this works is:

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cd /go/src/volume.caml/main
go mod download
go mod tidy -compat=1.17 && go get -d -v
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -a -installsuffix cgo -o camldataservice .

OPTIONAL (not recommended): instantiate parts of the cluster manually:

The compose file references the Docker/Dockerfile.caml_dev which you could also build on its own. Build a docker image from the root of the cloned repository:

docker build -f Docker/Dockerfile.caml_dev -t caml_dev_manual --build-arg gitrepo= .

You can explore directly with:

docker run -it --rm caml_dev_manual
cd CAML/src/main

Or explore directly with:

docker run -it --rm caml_dev_manual CAML/main/camldataservice

Basic elements of CAML repo


How to contribute?