Astronomy and High Energy Physics Interactive Analysis Facility on Compute Canada Cloud
Built a docker image containing Jupyterhub, ROOT, MAT, and Coffea
Effectively forked with modifications to folder structure. The original instruction in Kubespray for OpenStack is outdated because the Terraform API has changed since 0.15
To deploy a k8s cluster, from the ahep_interactive_analysis_facility root folder, do
cd kubespray/k8s-terraform/
Modify cluster.tfvars
according to needs, source the OpenStack RC file, then
terraform init
terraform apply -var-file=cluster.tfvars
This will build the clusters according to specification.
Next go back to the kubespray
cd ..
ansible -i k8s-terraform/hosts -m ping all
This will try to ping all the nodes you just built. If the nodes are unreachable, then there is something wrong with your ssh
authentication. First make sure you are able to ssh
into the bastion node. In your local machine, a ssh config file called ssh-bastion.conf
should have been created under kubespray
folder. Add the following line into ansible.cfg
, modify the ssh_args
ssh_args = -F ssh-bastion.conf -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=30m -o ConnectionAttempts=100 -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no
Kubernetes can be deployed once every node can be reached. Do the following:
ansible-playbook --become -i k8s-terraform/hosts cluster.yml
The --become
flag is necessary because it allows ansible to run as the admin user on the remote cluster. The deployment could fail if the flag is not specified. If the user built a cluster with etcd
database on the master
without a dedicated etcd
node, the build could fail. The solution is to have a dedicated etcd
node with the k8s-master
having no etcd