This project is about removing personal data, i.e. persons and license plates from raw panorama images. We aim to do this in an inclusive manner, and we select our images based on different types of biases which can occur. We create a document with a list of potential biases that we want to minimize and we select the panorama images used for training the model based on this document.
git clone
If you don't have it yet, follow the instructions here to install the package manager Poetry.
To be able to install psycopg2 to interact with the database libpq-dev is needed:
sudo apt-get install libpq-dev
You need to initialize the content of the submodules so git clones the latest version.
git submodule update --init --recursive
To allow your code to connect to Azure ML and train the model is necessary to retrieve a connection config. This can be done clicking on the change workspace button located on the top right in the AzureML website, and then in "Download config file". The downloaded "config.json" file must be added in the top folder of the project.
In the terminal, navigate to the project root (the folder containing pyproject.toml
), then use Poetry to create a new virtual environment and install the dependencies.
poetry install
The pre-commit hooks help to ensure that all committed code is valid and consistently formatted.
poetry run pre-commit install
Copy the config.example.yml file and rename it to config.yml. Adapt the config file to your execution configuration, setting azure paths of where the data can be located and the flags to enable or disable pipeline steps.
More information about the pipelines can be found on our Azure DevOps Wiki.
To access a database in Azure Machine Learning it is necessary to create a database.json
file inside the database
An example of the structure can be found in the folder under the name database.example.json
This database.json file should include the following information:
client_id: client id of the managed identity in Azure
We monitor the health of the pipelines in the BaaS workbook which can be found in portal.
The dashboard
folder contains the workbook in gallery template (.workbook) and ARM template (.json).