Computer-Vision-Team-Amsterdam / Detecting-Heavy-Objects

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The goal of the project is to detect heavy objects in the City of Amsterdam using the Panorama images.


Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository:
git clone
  1. For the virtual environment, the project uses the det2 environment.

To create the environment from the .yml file, run

conda env create -f det2.yml

To activate the environment, run

conda activate det2

To deactivate the environment, run

conda deactivate

Training the model

For this project we use an instance segmentation framework named Detectron2. From the provided models zoo, we start from a pre-trained model which uses the Base-RCNN-FPN configuration. The model performs both instance segmentation and object detection on a given image.

To train the model on your local machine, run

python --name &{MODEL_NAME} --device cpu

${MODEL_NAME} is the name you give to your model; can be anything.

The output files are stored according to the configuration file. By default, output files are stored in the outputs folder.

To train the model on GPU, run

python --name ${MODEL_NAME} --subset train

Latest model is registered on Azure. The output files are stored on Azure in the outputs folder and contain the following:

A trained weights file on the class "container" can be found here: Google Drive.

The output files are also downloaded locally in outputs/TRAIN_${MODEL_NAME}_${MODEL_VERSION} folder.

Once you have a trained model, you can visualize the training loss curves, accuracies and other metrics by running:

python -m tensorboard.main --logdir $PWD/outputs/TRAIN_${MODEL_NAME}_${MODEL_VERSION}

Model Inference

To perform inference on your local machine, run

python --name ${MODEL_NAME} --version ${MODEL_VERSION} --device cpu

The default version is the latest version.

Currently, you need to make sure you have the MODEL_NAME with MODEL_VERSION locally as well as the data folder.

To perform inference on the validation set on GPU, run

python --name ${MODEL_NAME} --version ${VERSION} --subset val 

To run inference on a test dataset with no corresponding annotation file, use --subset test instead.

The output files are as follows:

The trained model is downloaded locally at azureml-models/${MODEL_NAME}/${MODEL_VERSION}/model_final.pth.

The output files are downloaded locally in outputs/INFER_${MODEL_NAME}_${MODEL_VERSION} folder.

To visualize some detected containers, run

python --name ${MODEL_NAME} --version ${MODEL_VERSION} --device cpu

Single Image Prediction

Firstly, make sure you have the the model weights with ${MODEL_NAME} and ${MODEL_VERSION} locally in outputs/${MODEL_NAME}_${MODEL_VERSION} folder.

To detect containers on a given image, run

python --name ${MODEL_NAME} --version ${MODEL_VERSION} --image ${PATH}

Batch prediction

To get predictions for a batch of images, place them at data/test (don't rename the test folder), then run

python --name ${MODEL_NAME} --version ${MODEL_VERSION} --device cpu --subset test

Example: python --name best --version 1 --device cpu --subset test

Output files are stored at outputs/INFER_${model_name}_${version}_${timestamp}

Evaluation Metrics

To compute and store evaluation metrics, run


We use the following metrics:

  1. Average Precision (AP) with the following IoU thresholds: 0.5, 0.75 and [0.5-0.95]
  2. Average Recall (AR) with the following IoU thresholds: 0.5, 0.75 and [0.5-0.95]

We calculate AP and AR for the following list of maximum detections: 1, 10 and 100.

We calculate AP and AR for the following list of bounding box areas: small, medium and large , where

We evaluate both bounding boxes results and segmentation results.

More notes on the evaluation metrics


Precision measures how many of the predictions that the model made were actually correct. For each bounding box, we measure the overlap between the predicted bounding box and the ground truth bounding box, i.e. intersection over union (IoU). Precision is calculated based on the IoU threshold.


Recall measures how well the model finds all the positives out of all the predictions it makes. For example, we can find 80% of the possible positive cases in the top K predictions. Recall is also calculated based on the IoU threshold.

In COCO, mAP=AP and mAR=AR.

AP is calculated by taking the area under the precison-recall curve. If we have multiple IoU thresholds, we average the AP corresponding to each threshold.

When we compute AR, we again take a set of IoU values [0.5, 0.55, 0.60, 0.65, 0.70, 0.75, 0.80, 0.85, 0.90, 0.95]. Then, for each category, compute the recall at detecting that category at the specific IOU threshold. Then consider two cases

  1. a mean average recall at a specific IOU value
  2. a mean average recall for all IOU values

Both cases can be considered over a varying amount of maximum detections, 1, 10, 100.

For 1, we compute the recall for each category, and then take the average of those values over all classes.

For 2, we average the recall at each of the IoU threshold, and then take the average of this average for each class. This is our AR@{D} for D detections.

Visualizations of Heavy Objects

The model detects construction containers in images that are provided by the panorama car. This car which drives through the city and takes panoramic images of the streets. Subsequently, these images are uploaded to the panorama API.

Given a day D when the panoramic car drove through the city, we can visualize both the trajectory of the car and the detected containers on this trajectory. To create the map, navigate to the visualizations folder and run

python -m visualisations.daily_trajectory

The day to plot can be configured in the script. The HTML map is created in the same folder.

Self notes: Creating a new dataset via Data Labelling

We first finish annotations Download images Merge all folders into one Download the annotation from AzureML

Run clustering notebook. Now we have 3 folders: train, validation, test

Now we need to resize all images to 2000x4000 aka run correct_faulty_panoramas()

This will generate folder with upscaled images. These images must be manually moved and replace the downscaled ones in the 3 folders that result from the notebook.

Then we apply the data format converter aka run The converter on the output of the correct_faulty_panoramas()

These output files we can rename and upload to Azure.

Azure DevOps Pipeline: Pre-deploy tests

Triggered automatically by PR to development or main branch. Not triggered automatically in case of documentation or pipeline update.



Automatically triggered pipeline runs can use these parameters only in its default values. Intended only for manual runs for pipeline or build test reasons.

Azure DevOps Pipeline: Build and Deploy

Triggered automatically by push to development or main branch. Not triggered automatically in case of documentation or pipeline update.



Automatically triggered pipeline runs can use these parameters only in its default values. Intended only for manual runs for pipeline or build test reasons.


Build (CI)

Builds docker images and stores them in pipeline artifacts.

Additional info:

Deploy DEV (CD)

Deploys the docker images to DEV environment.


Additional info:

Deploy TEST (CD)

Deploys the docker images to TEST environment.


Additional info:

Deploy ACC (CD)

Deploys the docker images to ACC environment.


Additional info:

Vulnerability scan

Tests vulnerabilites detected by Microsoft Defender for Cloud after image deployment to ACR.


Additional info:

Deploy PROD (CD)

Deploys the docker images to PROD environment.


Additional info: