ComputerScienceHouse / BrickWall

CSH Internal Job Review and details
Mozilla Public License 2.0
2 stars 5 forks source link
express react


CSH's website for job finding purposes.


This site is written using a React front end, with a Express, and uses Sass and JavaScript ES2020.

Local Development


  1. Prisma
  2. Express
  3. React
  4. yarn
  5. node
  6. nvm(optional)


Set a local database environment variable to use

export DATABASE_URL=postgresql://'
  1. yarn
  2. yarn start

The site should now serve locally at localhost:3000 and the api will be served at localhost:8080/api.

If you want to start just a single app run one of the following

Production Testing

  1. yarn
  2. yarn prod:build

The site should now be served at localhost:8080. The api will be at localhost:8080/api and all routes that do not begin with /api will be handled by react router on the frontend.

Environment Variables

Client / Frontend

In order to run locally, you're going to need an OIDC client, by default there's a client/.env file which defines all default variables.

You can create a client/.env.local to modify and add new variables for local development or export vars before running.

All variables need to be prepended with REACT_APP_ if used by the frontend

Server / Backend

In order to run locally, you're going to need a postgreSQL server and database. You can either create a server/prisma/.env or you can simply export DATABASE_URL=postgresql://' before running.


  1. Fork this repository
    • Optionally create a new git branch if your change is more than a small tweak (git checkout -b BRANCH-NAME-HERE)
  2. Make your changes locally, commit, and push to your fork
  3. Create a Pull Request on this repo for our Webmasters to review


Please file an Issue on this repository or contact with inquiries about the site.