ComputerScienceHouse / bingehack4

A replacement for bingehack. For information about in-game features and changes:
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Renamed the shopkeepers to be CS professors. #59

Closed cgonyeo closed 8 years ago

cgonyeo commented 9 years ago

Names taken from:

Note that this will result in running out of unique shopkeepers faster. I don't think this will have an adverse effect on gameplay.

cgonyeo commented 9 years ago

I debated just presenting the last names instead of the full names, and which professors run which shops was mostly random. If anyone has strong opinions on either I'll be happy to change it.

mansam commented 9 years ago

Maybe mix in the names of professors from other computing majors so that there's a little more variety? Full names feels sorta stilted, but I don't feel particularly strongly about it.

ryansb commented 9 years ago

+1 to adding profs from other departments in GCCIS.

Additionally, it would be excellent if the liquor store shopkeepers were reslife employees.

cgonyeo commented 9 years ago

I added some other departments in, and switched to last names. Res Life now runs all the liquor stores, but I decided to use full names for res life people (I know who Tarra is, but who the fuck is Ognissanti?).

How's that look? Thoughts on removing some people from the res life section?

ryansb commented 9 years ago

Looks great :100:

mansam commented 9 years ago
