ComputerScienceHouse / devcade-website

Front-end for the Devcade website that allows members to view the game catalog and upload games.
MIT License
1 stars 8 forks source link
csh devcade


Front-end for the Devcade website that allows members to view the game catalog and upload games.

Project Structure

This project follows a standard template for a Flask project. Below is the basic file structure of the project, with every file described other than those in the static/ folder (for brevity).

| src/
| | static/         // Static content (images, css, js)
| | templates/      // Header and content templates
| | | header.html   // Includes game block macro and header block macro
| | | game.html     // Game focus page
| | | catalog.html  // Game catalog page
| | | credits.html  // Game credits page (using game blocks)
| | | error.html    // Error page
| | | home.html     // Main page, includes project details
| | | upload.html   // Game upload page, including instructions
| | | profile.html  // User profile -- not implemented
|            // Main file
|           // Helper functions for handling CSH auth
|         // Environment variable getters
|           // Initialization for flask project
|         // User model
|           // Environment variable setters (Follows template described in Local Development section)

Local Development

If you would like to run this project using your local machine, first create a file in src/ with the following structure:

import os

os.environ['SERVER_NAME'] = 'localhost:8080'
os.environ['PREFERRED_URL_SCHEME'] = 'http'

os.environ["POSTGRESQL_USER"] = ""
os.environ["POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD"] = ""
os.environ["POSTGRESQL_IP"] = ""

os.environ["OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET"] = ""

os.environ["GOOGLE_OIDC_ISSUER"] = ""
os.environ["GOOGLE_OIDC_CLIENT_ID"] = ""
os.environ["GOOGLE_OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET"] = ""

os.environ["SECRET_KEY"]= ""
os.environ["DEVCADE_API_URI"] = ""
os.environ["FRONTEND_API_KEY"] = ""
os.environ["DEVCADE_IS_DEV"] = "" # "True" or "False"

Note that this is just a template for the file. You will need to get these secrets from an RTP or Devcade developer.

Running in a Container (Recommended)

It is recommended that when running locally, you run this project in a container using the provided Dockerfile.

To do so using Podman, run the following commands from the root of the project directory:

1. `podman build -t <image name of your choice ,i.e. lontronix/devcade> .`
2. `podman run -i -t -p 8080:8080 <the image name you specified in the previous command>`

Running without a container

Run the following commands:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

cd src

flask run

Note: Because most contributors test this project using a container, if you have difficulties getting this project setup locally without a container it is less likely you'll be able to get help.