ConfigHubPub / ConfigHubPlatform

ConfigHub Platform
GNU General Public License v3.0
66 stars 25 forks source link

ConfigHub Platform Build Status Docker Status

Full Installation instructions are available at

System requirements

The ConfigHub server application has the following prerequisites:

Database Schema

Schema is liquibase managed by an application found in Database-Manager repo. A pre-compiled JAR is included with each ConfigHub Platform release.

Issue Tracking

Found a bug? Have an idea for an improvement? Feel free to add an issue.


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Docker ConfigHub Platform

A docker image for ConfigHub.

Execute with following:

docker run -d \
    -p 8080:80 \
    -p 8443:443 \
    -e DB_TYPE=mysql \
    -e DB_URL=jdbc:mysql://<databaseHost>:3306/ConfigHub \
    -e DB_USERNAME=<username> \
    -e DB_PASSWORD=<password> \
    --name confighub \

You may also use PostgreSQL database with

    -e DB_TYPE=postgresql
    -e DB_URL=jdbc:postgresql://<databaseHost>:5432/ConfigHubPSQL

And you may specify parameters from the /confighub-<version>/ Shown are default values which will be applied if these parameters are omited:

    -e HTTP_PORT=80
    -e HTTPS_PORT=443
    -e LOG_PATH=/var/log/confighub
    -e KEYSTORE_FILE=cert/confighub_default.jks
    -e KEYSTORE_ALIAS=confighub
    -e KEYSTORE_PASSWORD=confighub

After the docker container starts, you can access the web interface on https://localhost:8080.