Confirm-Solutions / confirmasaurus

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Getting set up

See here for a local set up. Look at the cloud documentation for setting up on AWS or GitHub Codespaces.

To get a fully functional development environment...

  1. If you do not have conda installed already, please install it. There are many ways to get conda. We recommend installing Mambaforge which is a conda installation wwith mamba installed by default and set to use conda-forge as the default set of package repositories. CLICK HERE for installers and installation instructions.

  2. Clone the git repo:

    git clone
  3. Set up your confirm conda environment. The list of packages that will be installed inside your conda environment can be seen in pyproject.toml.

    mamba update -y conda mamba
    # create a development virtual environment with useful tools
    mamba env create
    conda activate confirm
    # the following line makes poetry install into already activated
    # environment.
    poetry config virtualenvs.create false --local
    # install the confirm package plus development tools
    poetry install --with=dev,test,cloud
    # OPTIONALLY: Install a CUDA-enabled JAX build on Linux
    pip install --upgrade -r requirements-jax-cuda.txt

Committing code

In order to commit code and pass the pre-commit checks, you will need to install go and gitleaks with brew install go gitleaks.

Other useful notes: