Congyuwang / plutus-core

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Plutus-core Algorithm Doc

Author: 王聪雨

Version / Date: 2023/01/21

Note: pseudocodes, might be different from actual implementation in details.

Table of Content


Data Structure

Graph := List[Element]

Element := Node | Edge

Node := Pool | Gate | Converter | Swap

Pool 1-in 1-out.

Gate 1-in N-out 1-randomly-selected-out.

Converter N-in 1-out.

Swap N-in N-out.

Execution Algorithm

Step 0: Activate Pools and Gates

# Input: Graph graph
# Output: List[Element] active_elements

edges_disabled = new Set()
active_elements = new List()

for element of graph:
    if element is Pool:
        element.nextTick()             # compute the next state of Pool
    else if element is Gate:
        element.nextTick()             # randomly activate an output edge:
        chosen_edge = element.output   # mark edge as disabled if not chosen
        for output_edge of element.outputs:
            if output_edge != chosen_edge:
            end if
        end for
    end if
end for

for element of graph:
    if !(element in edges_disabled):
    end if
end for

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Step 1: Cut At Pool Input

Group graph into connected components, but ignoring Edge --> Pool connections.


# Input: List[Element] active_elements
# Output: List[List[Element]] parallel_groups

parallel_groups = new List()

visited = new Set()
for element of active_elements:
    if element in visited:
        continue               # DFS, skip visited elements
    end if
    if element is Swap:
        continue               # skip searching starting from Swap
    end if
    new_group = DFS_ignore_pool_input(element, visited)
end for

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DFS JS Code:

Note: Elements are indexed by ElementId, whereas 'Swaps in-out Pairs' are indexed by a two-element tuple (ElementId, SwapIndex), where SwapIndex index the nth in-out pair.

Step 2: Cut At Converter Output

Similar to Step 1, but ignoring Converter --> Edge connections.

# Input: List[List[Element]] parallel_groups
# Output: List[List[List[Element]]] groups_of_subgroups

groups_of_subgroups = new List()

for group of parallel_groups:
    visited = new Set()
    sub_group = new List()
    for element of active_elements:
        if visited.has(element):
            continue               # DFS, skip visited elements
        end if
        if element is Swap:
            continue               # skip searching starting from Swap
        end if
        new_group = DFS_ignore_converter_output(element, visited)
    end for
end for

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Comment on Step 1 & 2

After step 1 and 2, each subgroup consists of at most one Pool, and at most one Converter. All remaining element types (Edge / Gate / Swap) are essentially single-in-single-out.

There are two cases:

Since the dead groups consist of only edges (Edge / Gate) and swaps (which is a passive element), it does nothing during execution. So, we focus on alive subgroups.

There are three cases regarding the entry points:

There are three cases regarding the output side of the pipeline:

Step 3: Subgroup Order

Because of the case where a subgroup pipeline input might depend on the Converter output of another subgroup, subgroups needs to be executed in proper orders. To decide the execution orders, we construct the dependency graph of subgroups, and sort subgroups using topological sort.

# Input: List[List[Element]] subgroups
# Output: List[number]? order

order = null

# find out Converters to subgroups, Subgroups to Converters
groupToConverter = new Map()
converterToGroup = new Map()
for groupId, subgroup of enumerate(subgroups):
    for element of subgroup:
        if element is Converter:
            groupToConverter[groupId] = element    # at most one Converter
        else if element is Edge:
            from = the_upstream_node_of(<Edge>element)
            if from is Converter:
                converterToGroup[from] = groupId   # maybe multiple
            end if
        end if
    end for
end for

# topological sort
directedGraph = new DirectedGraph()
for i of subgroups:
end for
for groupId, converter of groupToConverter:
    dependentGroup = converterToGroup[converter];
    directedGraph.addEdge(groupId, dependentGroup) # add edge
end for
if !hasCycle(directedGraph):                       # if has no cycle
    order = topologicalSort(directedGraph)
    order = null
end if

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Step 4: Entry Points of Subgraphs

Find the entry points of each subgraphs.

# Input: List[Element] subgroup
# Output: List[Element] entryPoints

entryPoints = List()

for element of subgroup:
    if element is Edge:
        from = the_upstream_node_of(<Edge>element)
        if from is Converter or Pool:
        end if
    end if
end for

Related JS Code:

Step 5: Execute Graph

Each subgraph consists of one or multiple (if 'last' is Converter) input pipelines.

     |   pipeline 1                            |
in? -+-> [entry1] ---> [] -------+             |
     |                            \            |
     |   pipeline 2                \           |
in? -+-> [entry2] ---> [] ---> [] ---> [last] -+-> out?
     |                                         |

Execute a single pipeline

type Packet = {
    number value,
    string token,

def RunEdge:
# Inputs: 
# - Edge entryPoint
# - &Map<Element, List<Packet>> outputs
# - number? value
# - string? token

    number nextValue
    string nextToken

    # input node of edge
    from = the_upstream_node_of(<Edge>edge)
    if from is Converter:
        nextValue = from.convert()
        nextToken = from.token()
    else if from is Pool:
        nextValue = from.take(edge.rate())
        nextToken = from.token()
    else if from is Gate:
        if value is undefined or token is undefined:
            nextValue = value                            # simple forwarding
            nextToken = token
        end if
    else if from is Swap:
        if value is undefined or token is undefined:
            nextToken, nextValue = from.swap(value, token)
        end if
    end if

    # output node of edge
    to = the_downstream_node_of(<Edge>edge)
    if nextValue <= 0:                                   # skip if empty
    end if
    if to is Gate:
        nextEdge = to.output()
        runEdge(nextEdge, outputs, nextValue, nextToken) # recurse
    else if to is Swap:
        nextEdge = get_output_edge_of_this_swap_pair(to)
        runEdge(nextEdge, outputs, nextValue, nextToken) # recurse
    else if to is Pool or Converter:
        if !(to in outputs):
            outputs[to] = new List()
        end if
        outputs[to].push({value: nextValue, token: nextToken})
    end if
end def

Related JS Code:

Execute a subgroup

def executeSubgroup:
# Input: List[Element] entryPoints
# Output: Map<Element, List<Packet>> output

    output = new Map()

    for edge of entryPoints:
        runEdge(edge, output)
    end for

    return output
end def

Related JS Code:

Execute a group

Execute cyclic group and ordered group with different strategy:

def executeGroup:
# Input: List[List[Element]] groupEntryPoints, List[number]? order

    outputs = new Map()

    if order is undefined:                        # cyclc subgroups
        for entryPoints of groupEntryPoints:
            output = executeSubgroup(entryPoints)
            mergeInto(&outputs, output)
        end for
    else:                                         # ordered subgroups
        for i of order:
            entryPoints = groupEntryPoints[i]
            output = executeSubgroup(entryPoints)
            converter = converterOfSubgroup(i)
            remainingOutput = writeToConverterBuffer(converter, output)
            mergeInto(&outputs, remainingOutput)
        end for
    end if

    return outputs
end def

Related JS Code:

Execute graph

# Input: List[List[List[Element]]] groups_of_subgroups

allOutputs = new Map()

# execute parallel groups
for group of groups_of_subgroups:
    outputs = executeGroup(group)
    mergeInto(&allOutputs, outputs)
end for

for element, packets of allOutputs:
    # write to Pools (in case of Ordered group)
    # write to Pools or Converter Buffer (in case of Cyclic group)
    for packet of packets:
       writePacket(packet, element)
    end for
end for

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