ConnectingEurope / Context-Broker-Data-Visualisation

European Union Public License 1.2
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Context Broker Data Visualisation

FIWARE Visualisation License Docker pulls StackOverflow NGSI v2

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Master: Master Develop: Develop

The Context Broker Data Visualisation is an enabler which consists on a visualisation layer over the Context Broker. It provides the following features:

For more information, read the Objective section.

The Context Broker Data Visualisation is a FIWARE Generic Enabler. Therefore, it can be integrated as part of any platform “Powered by FIWARE”. FIWARE is a curated framework of open source platform components which can be assembled together with other third-party platform components to accelerate the development of Smart Solutions.

You can find more info at the FIWARE developers website and the FIWARE website.

The complete list of FIWARE GEs and Incubated FIWARE GEs can be found at the FIWARE Catalogue.

| :earth_africa: CEF Digital | :briefcase: FIWARE Marketplace | :books: User manual | :books: Deployment manual | :books: Technical manual | :whale: DockerHub |



The Context Broker Data Visualisation enabler was created with the aim of:

It is a learning tool for data visualisation, not a product.

It could also be adapted to the needs of different users by developing its own features, taking advantage of the base of the enabler. More information can be found in the documentation section.



The documentation of the Context Broker Data Visualisation enabler is available in the following link.



There are four different tutorials for the deployment of the enabler, in a local environment or in FIWARE lab.

They can be found in the following link.


Reference documentation

The following documentation is recommended to be read before starting to use the Context Broker Data Visualisation enabler:


Context Broker instances with real data

The following links provide documentation of some Context Broker instances with real data. All of them are open data, so it can be used for testing purposes. Those Context Brokers could be integrated with the enabler:

Note that the previous links are external instances and are not maintained by the developers of the enabler.

Additionally, it is also possible to generate test data to be used in the enabler. The procedure is detailed in the tutorials of deployment documentation.



The Context Broker Data Visualisation enabler has been tested with the following tools:



Context Broker Data Visualisation is licensed under European Union Public License v1.2.



The Context Broker Data Visualisation enabler has been carried out by:
