ConsumerDataStandardsAustralia / standards-experimental

Experimental standards created for innovation and collaboration purposes
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Simple Bank Account Origination #11

Open markverstege opened 2 weeks ago

markverstege commented 2 weeks ago

Context / Problem Space

The addition of Action Initiation to the CDR regime is nearing completion in the parliament. One of the obvious use cases to consider for Action Initiation in the banking sector is the initiation of an account origination process.

The origination of a financial services account can be highly complex and may involve identity verification of the customer, credit decisioning and fraud checking. It also involves complex regulatory obligations such as Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism regulations, among many others.

It would be advantageous to identify a relatively easy path for the introduction of account origination for the banking sector that could be adopted with minimal regulatory or implementation overhead.

An experiment has been proposed to explore this opportunity and several existing CDR participants have expressed interest in being a part of the experiment.

Use Cases

The specific use cases that will be targeted are as follows:

These use cases were selected to cover a cross section of the CDR consumer base and varying levels of application complexity. New to bank has been identified primarily to reduce the cost of the experiment by removing the need for authenticated endpoints.


The hypothesis to be tested by the experiment is as follows:


The experiment will be conducted in the following four phases:


Phase 1: Planning

Initial kick off meetings and validation of this execution proposal (with a clear expectation that this document will be updated as a result)

Phase 2: Standards Development

A 4 to 6 week period where the experimental standards used to implement the experiment will be developed and amended by experiment participants. The bulk of effort during this period will be the responsibility of the DSB.

Phase 3: Build

A one week period where assigned developed will build mock versions of the standards and clients of those standards to demonstrate their use. This will need to include both mock API and mock CX build to be able to demonstrate the defined flows of each of the use cases.

Phase 4: Review

A post execution review period where findings can be collated and a final review will be created for publication.

Participant Responsibilities

Involvement in the experiment is entirely voluntary so the effort required has been minimised. For the experiment to be successful it will be necessary that a minimum commitment of resource is made by each participant. This section outlines what this minimum commitment is likely to be along with the expected contributions of each participant.


Data Standards Body (DSB)

The DSB will provide the bulk of the supporting resource to facilitate the experiment. This will include:

Action Initiation Participant

A participant acting as an action initiator (ie. a client) would be required to:

It is expected that each Action Initiation Participant will provide:

Action Service Provider Participant

A participant acting as an action service provider (ie. a data holder or server) would be required to:

It is expected that each Action Service Provider will provide:


To be able to verify the hypotheses defined in this experiment the following measurements and assessments will be made during the experiment:


The DSB has received feedback from banking sector participants to explore the Action Initiation problem space to better understand the opportunities and considerations. There was strong support for exploring mortgage origination especially in the current economic environment with the cost of living pressures. Having efficient ways to originate home loans via the CDR could facilitate choice, competition and switching.

The DSB has not run an experiment of this nature with CDR participants before, so it is proposed this proposition is prioritised to develop a template of experimentation with industry in a collaborative way.

markverstege commented 2 weeks ago

The first meeting for this experiment was held on 10th Oct 2023 and the experiment concluded on 2nd May 2024. This experiment has now concluded and is in the final stages of report drafting.

A Noting Paper has been created: in relation to this experiment. This is a placeholder where the report of findings will be published.