ConsumerDataStandardsAustralia / standards-experimental

Experimental standards created for innovation and collaboration purposes
MIT License
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Consumer Data Right - Experimental Standards

This repository contains experimental data standards created in response to the Consumer Data Right legislation and the subsequent regulatory rules. The purpose of the Consumer Data Right regime is to give Australians greater control over their data and is intended to apply sector by sector across the whole Australian economy.

These standards are maintained by the Data Standards Body (DSB) and are considered experimental only. The Data Standards Body is part of the Treasury. The work of standards development is conducted in consultation with the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) as co-regulator of the Consumer Data Right, along with the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC).

These standards are experimental. This means that they are unstable and are expected to be decommissioned at some time in the future. They have been created for the purposes of testing concepts and facilitating consultation.

If an experimental standard is seen to be valid and useful it will be decommissioned and reformatted as a draft standard on the main consumer data standards repository.

Suggesting New Experiment Propositions

If you would like to propose a new experiment proposition for consideration you can raise an issue on this repository by opening a new "Standards Experiment Proposition" issue.

Viewing The Experimental Standards

The experimental standards are published here.

Contributing To The Experimental Standards

Consultation on the standards as they evolve is performed transparently with any interested contributor invited to participate in accordance with the rules of engagement described below.

Note that the conversion of OpenAPI Specification files to markdown is recommended to be done using widdershins using the following command line statements from the Support_Files folder.

npm install -g widdershins

widdershins --environment env.json input_oas.json -o

If you would like to suggest a change request to any existing Experimental Standards, you can raise a Standards Experimental backlog item.

The Consumer Data Standards

These standards are not the binding standards created for the Consumer Data Right. The binding standards can be found in the main consumer data standards repository. The DSB manages a formal change process for making changes to the binding Data Stnadards in the Standards Maintenance repository.

Rules of engagement for this repository

We're committed to undertaking conversations relating to the technical standards in the open. Questions or comments that participants might ask us via email or private message are likely to be questions or comments other participants have as well. Our answers will be of interest to everyone. There are likely to be experiences and lessons everybody working in this ecosystem can learn from. Having these conversations transparently helps us reduce duplication, resolve issues faster and keep everyone up to date with the conversation.

We ask that all contributors to the Consumer Data Standards repositories comply with the GitHub Community Forum Code of Conduct.

In addition, it would be appreciated if the following rules are adhered to when commenting or contributing:

Additional Information