ContentMine / quickscrape

A scraping command line tool for the modern web
MIT License
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quickscrape is a simple command-line tool for powerful, modern website scraping.

Table of Contents


quickscrape is not like other scraping tools. It is designed to enable large-scale content mining. Here's what makes it different:

Websites can be rendered in a GUI-less browser (PhantomJS via CasperJS). This has some important benefits:

Scrapers are defined in separate JSON files that follow a defined structure (scraperJSON). This too has important benefits:

quickscrape is being developed to allow the community early access to the technology that will drive ContentMine, such as ScraperJSON and our Node.js scraping library thresher.

The software is under rapid development, so please be aware there may be bugs. If you find one, please report it on the issue tracker.



You'll need Node.js (node), a platform which enables standalone JavaScript apps. You'll also need the Node package manager (npm), which usually comes with Node.js. Installing Node.js via the operating system's package manager leads to issues. If you already have Node.js installed, and it requires sudo to install node packages, that's the wrong way. The easiest way to do it right on Unix systems (e.g. Linux, OSX) is to use NVM, the Node version manager.

First, install NVM:

curl | bash

or, if you don't have curl:

wget -qO- | bash

NB: on OSX, you will need to have the developer tools installed (e.g. by installing XCode).

Then, install the latest Node.js, which will automatically install the latest npm as well, and set that version as the default:

source ~/.nvm/
nvm install 0.10
nvm alias default 0.10
nvm use default

Now you should have node and npm available. Check by running:

node -v
npm -v

If both of those printed version numbers, you're ready to move on to installing quickscrape.


quickscrape is very easy to install. Simply:

npm install --global quickscrape


Run quickscrape --help from the command line to get help:

Usage: quickscrape [options]


-h, --help               output usage information
-V, --version            output the version number
-u, --url <url>          URL to scrape
-r, --urllist <path>     path to file with list of URLs to scrape (one per line)
-s, --scraper <path>     path to scraper definition (in JSON format)
-d, --scraperdir <path>  path to directory containing scraper definitions (in JSON format)
-o, --output <path>      where to output results (directory will be created if it doesn't exist
-r, --ratelimit <int>    maximum number of scrapes per minute (default 3)
-h --headless            render all pages in a headless browser
-l, --loglevel <level>   amount of information to log (silent, verbose, info*, data, warn, error, or debug)
-f, --outformat <name>   JSON format to transform results into (currently only bibjson)

You must provide scraper definitions in ScraperJSON format as used in the ContentMine journal-scrapers.


1. Extract data from a single URL with a predefined scraper

First, you'll want to grab some pre-cooked definitions:

git clone

Now just run quickscrape:

quickscrape \
  --url \
  --scraper journal-scrapers/scrapers/peerj.json \
  --output peerj-384
  --outformat bibjson

You'll see log messages informing you how the scraping proceeds:

Single URL log output

Then in the peerj-384 directory there are several files:

$ tree peerj-384
  └── https_peerj.com_articles_384
    ├── bib.json
    ├── fig-1-full.png
    ├── fulltext.html
    ├── fulltext.pdf
    ├── fulltext.xml
    └── results.json

results.json looks like this (truncated):

  "publisher": {
    "value": [
      "PeerJ Inc."
  "journal_name": {
    "value": [
  "journal_issn": {
    "value": [
  "title": {
    "value": [
      "Mutation analysis of the SLC26A4, FOXI1 and KCNJ10 genes in individuals with congenital hearing loss"
  "keywords": {
    "value": [
      "Pendred; MLPA; DFNB4; \n          SLC26A4\n        ; FOXI1 and KCNJ10; Genotyping; Genetics; SNHL"
  "author_name": {
    "value": [
      "Lynn M. Pique",
      "Marie-Luise Brennan",
      "Colin J. Davidson",
      "Frederick Schaefer",
      "John Greinwald Jr",
      "Iris Schrijver"

bib.json looks like this (truncated):

  "title": "Mutation analysis of the SLC26A4, FOXI1 and KCNJ10 genes in individuals with congenital hearing loss",
  "link": [
      "type": "fulltext_html",
      "url": ""
      "type": "fulltext_pdf",
      "url": ""
      "type": "fulltext_xml",
      "url": "/articles/384.xml"
  "author": [
      "name": "Lynn M. Pique",
      "institution": "Department of Pathology, Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford, CA, USA"
      "name": "Marie-Luise Brennan",
      "institution": "Department of Pediatrics, Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford, CA, USA"


We are not yet accepting contributions, if you'd like to help please drop me an email ( and I'll let you know when we're ready for that.

Release History


Copyright (c) 2014 Shuttleworth Foundation Licensed under the MIT license.