Mitsuzi’s amazing mini economy games where you can earn, gamble and buy goods using our currency. Enjoy buying bases and upgrading your own bases to defend from raids or start your own raids.
Mitsuzi’s unique commands that will help entertain your server, it acts as a chat reviver so you will never runs out of things to talk about
Generate your own memes and reaction pictures using Mitsuzis meme commands! Sure to liven up your server!
Mitsuzi's simple music system delivers high-quality and lag-free music to your server.
balance, base, beg, blackjack, camera, coinflip, daily, deposit, fish, gamble, hunt, leaderboard, mine, pay, postmeme, profile, search, setbio, shop, trivia, typetest, upgrade, wallet, weekly, wikihow, withdraw, work,
8ball, advice, catfacts, chuck, clap, dick, fact, flirt, gay, gif, insults, iq, joke, kanye, kidsarestupid, leet, meme, owo, retard, showerthought, simp, tifu, topic, trumpquotes, wholesome, wouldyourather, yomama,
3000years, aceattorney, achievement, alert, approved, bartchalkboard, beautiful, bobross, brazzers, caution, certificate, challenger, changemymind, chiidea, communist, deepfry, dislike, distort, factbook, gandhiquote, grab, gun, lisa, newpassword, pornhub, rainbow, scrolloftruth, supreme, worsehitler, worthless, youdied,
ban, createchannel, kick, purge, renameall,
bassboost, loop, lyrics, nowplaying, pause, play, playlist, queue, remove, resume, searchsong, shuffle, skip, skipto, stop, volume,
affirmations, animefact, animequotes, choose, crypto, doomsday, historytoday, math, morse, moviequote, news, ongoinganime, popularanime, profilepicture, proxylist, python, questions, randomidea, rottentomatoes, theonion, urban, weather, xkcd,
animal, bird, business, car, cat, city, confused, cringe, dog, duck, fashion, food, fox, genwaifu, randompic, rooms, shiba, space, weirdpic,
antispam, invitefilter, setprefix, setwelcome,
ascii, avatar, botinfo, capturewebsite, feedback, invite, ipinfo, minecraftserver, osu, pastebin, ping, poll, qrcode, say, serverinfo, someone, steam, timer, topinvite, userinfo,
@discordjs/opus@0.3.2 anime-facts@1.0.7 animefreak@1.0.2 animequotes@1.1.2 asciify-image@0.1.6 bad-words@3.0.3 canvas@2.6.1 common-tags@1.8.0 cpu-stat@2.0.1 crawler@1.2.2 crazy-quotes@1.0.4 crypto-price@0.0.6 dabi-images@2.7.5 dblapi.js@2.4.0 discord-anti-spam@2.4.1 discord.js@12.3.1 ffmpeg@0.0.4 fluent-ffmpeg@2.1.2 genius-api@0.4.1 genius-lyrics-api@3.0.2 giphy-wrapper@0.0.3 insult@0.0.3 level@6.0.1 lyrics-finder@21.0.5 mathjs@7.1.0 minecraft-server-status@1.0.1 moment@2.27.0 morse@0.1.0 newsapi@2.4.1 node-os-utils@1.3.0 node-osu@2.2.0 node-superfetch@0.1.10 one-liner-joke@1.2.0 owofy@1.0.2 pastebin-js@1.0.5 proxy-list-random@1.0.2 quick.db@7.1.1 random-animal-name@0.1.0 random-cat@1.0.1 random-number@0.0.9 random-words@1.1.1 rss-parser@3.9.0 simple-youtube-api@5.2.1 soundcloud-downloader@0.1.3 sqlite3@5.0.0 stackimpact@1.3.26 steamapi@2.1.1 string-similarity@4.0.2 systeminformation@4.27.0 urban-dictionary@2.2.1 url-exists@1.0.3 util@0.12.3 valid-url@1.0.9 weather-js@2.0.0 website-scraper@4.2.2 yo-mamma@1.3.0 ytdl-core@3.2.0 ytdl-core-discord@1.2.1 zlib-sync@0.1.7