CoolnsX / dra-cla

A cli tool to browse and play korean drama, chinese drama
GNU General Public License v3.0
71 stars 10 forks source link

This script is refactored and now using fzf (make sure it is installed as script now checks for it) for showing menus, if you don't like fzf then you can continue to use old one. I would suggest to try fzf based one.

A cli to browse and watch Korean Drama, Chinese drama. This tool scrapes the site asianembed which is the site dramacool scrapes from.

This tool is modified version of ani-cli which is anime scraping tool. Feel free to check it out if you need to watch anime.

Table of Contents



Install dependencies (See below)

git clone && cd dra-cla
sudo cp dra-cla /usr/local/bin/dra-cla

Note that mpv installed through flatpak is not compatible


nix-shell -p dra-cla

Arch linux

Use your favorite AUR helper (yay in this case)

yay -S dra-cla-git


Install termux (Guide)

pkg update
pkg install git termux-tools ncurses-utils openssl-tool ffmpeg fzf aria2 -y
git clone && cd dra-cla
cp dra-cla $PREFIX/bin/dra-cla

Install mpv-android (Link)

For VLC: pass dra-cla -v

