CopperMantis / QuartzButterfly

CopperMantis Web Client
Apache License 2.0
0 stars 2 forks source link

Quartz Butterfly

Copper Mantis web client.

Make it run!

This application depends of Copper Manits backend and a http server (like Apache, nginx or even BrowserSync node module) to make it accessible to any web browser and run.

That being said you can go to Deploy this application section and check each step accomplish this task.

Deploy this application

First you need have to install all the dependencies, then run the default gulp task and finally deploy the application that lives inside of dist directory.


$ git clone <repo url> && cd <repo directory>
$ npm install
$ bower install
$ gulp serve
$ # In other terminal
$ git clone <CopperMantis repo url> && cd <CopperMantis directory>
$ docker-compose up # To stop it just use Ctrl+C

Dev dependencies

Gulp Tasks

You can run independently each task inside of gulp directory, but the most important tasks are: