Cosmicgodalpha / alphaotpbot

Telegram OTP-Bot helps you to bypass otp in an easy manner, it includes custom scripts call mode and sms mode
12 stars 2 forks source link

Requirements Twilio SID token Twilio Auth Token Ngrok Auth token

Deploy on Termux

  1. apt update && upgrade
  2. apt install python3 && python2

Install Ngrok:-

  1. pkg install zip wget -y
  2. wget
  3. unzip ngrok-stable-linux-arm.unzip
  4. chmod +x ngrok-stable-linux-arm

Ngrok Authtoken

  1. Create an Account on Ngrok
  2. copy Your Auth token
  3. Open Termux
  4. ./ngrok authtoken YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN_HERE

Connect To ngrok

  1. ngrok http 5000


  1. unzip
  2. cd Telegram-Otp-Bot
  3. nano
  4. Replace with your Auth token , Bot token ,Sid token , Twilio number , Ngrok url
  5. Exit editor
  6. python3

Telegram Setup

  1. Type 'Admin Mode' in your Telegram bot