CosmoStat / shear-pipe-peaks

The impact of systematic errors on weak-lensing peak counts for CFIS
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Weak-lensing peak counts with ShapePipe processed data

This python package contains methods for cosmological parameter inference from weak-lensing peak counts. It works with galaxy catalogue data processed with ShapePipe, but is general to be used with other data.

To use this code, download this repository by clicking on the Clone button above.

The easiest way to install the required software is using conda. You can follow the instructions to install Anaconda here or miniconda here.

Included is code to reproduce results and plots from Ayçoberry et al. (2022); see below.


  1. The python library
    1. Installation
    2. Usage
    3. Examples
  2. The impact of systematic errors on weak-lensing peak counts for UNIONS
    1. Installation
    2. Description of the input files
    3. Example

The python library


To create the conda environment type

conda create -f environment.yml


Once installed, any library files can be used via import in a python script or notebook, e.g.:

import sp_peaks
from sp_peaks import slics


Example notebooks and associated python scripts can be run in the notebooks folder.

The impact of systematic errors on weak-lensing peak counts for UNIONS

This part reproduces the results of the paper "UNIONS: The impact of systematic errors on weak-lensing peak counts".

Authors: Emma Ayçoberry, Virginia Ajani, Axel Guinot, Martin Kilbinger, Valeria Pettorino, Samuel Farrens, Jean-Luc Starck, Raphaël Gavazzi, Michael J. Hudson

Abstract: The Ultraviolet Near-Infrared Optical Northern Survey (UNIONS) is an ongoing deep photometric multi-band survey of the Northern sky. As part of UNIONS, the Canada-France Imaging Survey (CFIS) provides r-band data with a median seeing of 0.65 arcsec, which we use to study weak-lensing peak counts for cosmological inference. This work aims to assess systematics effects for weak-lensing peak counts and their impact on cosmological parameters for the UNIONS survey. In particular, we present results on local calibration, metacalibration shear bias, baryonic feedback, the source galaxy redshift estimate, intrinsic alignment, and cluster member dilution. We expect constraints to become more reliable with future (larger) data catalogues, for which the current pipeline will provide a starting point. This paper investigates for the first time with UNIONS weak-lensing data and peak counts the impact of the local calibration, residual multiplicative shear bias, redshift uncertainty, baryonic feedback, intrinsic alignment and cluster member dilution. The value of matter density parameter is the most impacted and can shift up to ~ 0.03 which corresponds to 0.5 sigma depending on the choices for each systematics. We expect constraints to become more reliable with future (larger) data catalogues, for which the current code provides a starting point.


To create the conda environment type

conda create -f environment_3.6.yml

Note that python version 3.6.13 is required.

Description of the input files

Note about redshifts: as we found in the paper that the change in the peaks ditribution (and on the corresponding constraints) between redshift z=0.65 and z=0.68 is not significant, we provide here only the arrays at z=0.65. If interested in the distributions at z=0.68 please contact or

Description of the parameters that can be used in the notebook

Configuration needed to obtain the different figures of the paper

Conservative model: param_z = '065',

param_z_cov = '0.65',

param_cal = ‘dm_1’,

param_baryonic_correction = 'Fid',

param_cut = 19,


After installing the package, see Dependencies, go to the example folder and launch the jupyter notebook constraints_CFIS-P3.ipynb by typing:

cd example

jupyter notebook

and run it following the instructions in the description of the cells.

Follow the Configuration needed to obtain the different figures of the paper to get the results of the paper or play with the different input parameters to get different configurations.

Contact or for questions concerning the repo.