CottageLabs / idfind

An identifier identifier
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idfind - Got an ID? Not sure what it is? What you can do with it? Well, use this!

More info:

How It Works

Up and running at

Also look at examples folder in this repository. There's at least 1 little Python script which will take an arbitrary number of unknown strings and will then query IDFind programmatically and print out the results on the command line. You can read that code to see how you can start using/integrating IDFind into YOUR project quickly and easily!


  1. Install stuff:

    • Python_ (2.7+ preferable; NOT TESTED on 3.x)
    • ElasticSearch_ (0.19 series) (tested and should run on 0.17 and up)
  2. [optional] Create a virtualenv and enable it::

    in bash

    virtualenv {myenv} . {myenv}/bin/activate

  3. Get the source::

    by convention we put it in the virtualenv but you can put anywhere

    mkdir {myenv}/src git clone {myenv}/src/

  4. Install the app::

    cd {myenv}/src/idfind

    for dev install:

    pip install -e .

  5. Run the webserver::

    python idfind/

.. _Python: .. _ElasticSearch: