Couch-Developers / socialparks

An app that allows users to compare and choose the National Park they wish to visit based on social media, pictures, and park statistics.
MIT License
1 stars 5 forks source link


An app that allows users to compare and choose the National Park they wish to visit based on social media, pictures, and park statistics.

User Stories

National Park Visitor

  1. As a NPS visitor I want to search for parks be name, state, or region.
  2. As a NPS visitor I want to see various stats to compare parks so that I can make an informed choice.
  3. As a NPS visitor I want basic info about the park(s) I select so that I know where they are.
  4. As a NPS visitor I want images of the parks so I can know what they look like.
  5. As a NPS visitor I want to see a Twitter feed so that I can know what other people think about the park.
  6. As a NPS visitor I want to see current conditions/alerts for the park so I can be prepared.
  7. AS a NPS visitor I want a pretty site so that I can read it easily.
  8. As a NPS visitor I want to use a map to narrow my search so that I don't have to scroll thru a long list.
  9. As a NPS visitor I want to know the weather, so I can pack appropriately.


  1. As a developer I want the site to be responsive so that users on any device can have functionality.
  2. As a developer I want to use templating so that so that I don't have to duplicate effort.
  3. As a developer I want to use good MVC and SMACSS organization so that there is a good separation of concerns.


  1. As a user I want the site to load quickly so that I don't waste time.