CourseAdvisor / infra

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Add main container #2

Open hmil opened 8 years ago

hmil commented 8 years ago

One way to tie everything together would be to have a main container containing the build tools (ie. npm, grunt, composer...) and having access to the infrastructure repository itself.


christophetd commented 8 years ago

By "main container", do you mean "docker container"? Docker's philosophy isn't really about having one big container running multiple applications, but rather many little ones handling little parts. E.g. a solution would be :

A docker-compose.yml file may look like:

    image: courseadvisor/nginx-php
        - /var/www/courseadvisor/:/var/www/courseadvisor
        - mysql:mysql
    env_file: mysql.env # mysql credentials

   build: mysql/ 
   # custom dockerfile and config in the mysql/ subfolder
   # for instance it may start from the mysql official image and create the courseadvisor
   #  DB structure + import the last backup

   env_file: mysql.env

   build: mysql-slave/
   # same but with mysql_slave
     - mysql:mysql

   image: webhook/
   # custom dockerfile installing node, devtools, and running github webhook
   env_file: github.env # github repo url, secret key...

       - /var/www/courseadvisor/:var/www/courseadvisor

And then docker compose up to run the whole thing

hmil commented 8 years ago

Yup, my bad I should have made this more clear: Each rectangular box in the diagram represents one container ;)