CourseAdvisor / infra

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CourseAdvisor infrastructure repository

[ Work in progress ]

This repository contains containers and scripts for setting up the courseadvisor backend as well as replication slaves, backup and deployment scripts.


This repository assumes a regular linux distro with the following programs accessible on the cli:


TBD. The general idea would be to have expose all functionnalities although sub-projects should be as disconnected as possible.

Replication slave

Set up a replication slave like this:

sudo ./ slave setup

And remove it with

./ slave remove

Additionnal commands available: stop, start

(Notice: you must take care of starting the instance after a reboot yourself)

Master database

Master DB is deployed like this:

sudo ./ master setup -b backup_db.sql where backup_db.sql is a sql file containing a backup of the production data.

Additionnal commands: stop, start, remove