Courseplay / courseplay

Courseplay for Farming Simulator 2019
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Courseplay for FS22 #7634

Closed Tensuko closed 2 years ago

Tensuko commented 2 years ago

Hey folks,

yes we work on a Version for FS22. But it does not help if you keep ask for it or try it by yourself by just change modDesc and open Issues...

Patience is the key!

Thanks for all the support and testing for FS19 Version, we know that not everything was fixed, but we are still not working on CP in fulltime, so keep that in mind pls.

As soon as we have a first running version, you will get noticed!

Pls Read:

BoxerHUN commented 2 years ago

Thanks, I'll wait. Will the updater handle it?

Tensuko commented 2 years ago

Thanks, I'll wait. Will the updater handle it?


MoslessNeo commented 2 years ago

CoursePlay has evolved a lot in FS19. I managed to leave my harvesters, 1 per field, working from start to finish with overflow without any problems.

We are delighted to hear of the team's dedication to developing for the new FS22 This is undoubtedly one of the most iconic mods for the Farming Simulator series and deserves all our respect We are looking forward to seeing our machines operate the fields in FS22

We are here to test and help with whatever you need.

Commissar0617 commented 2 years ago

Yes, as MoslessNeo said, i'm more than willing to test, especially with larger courses once the big maps start rolling out!

that said, is there like a beer fund for yall we can chip into?

LifesaverM commented 2 years ago

I just wanted to say this is by far my favorite mod of all time for FS19. (Yes I feel very naked without it in FS22, lol). Some other options out there are ok and have their uses but as far as I'm concerned this is THE mod to have for FS19 and its amazing development team is bar none. Just wanted to give you kudos, and while it kills us to wait, having been on the dev side I know what is involved in making it happen so I can appreciate what goes into it and the time required.

My thanks, and also I agree with Commissar we owe ya'll some coffee or a beer or two.

lcc1211 commented 2 years ago

I've only got about 30 minutes of play time in FS22. I stopped and went back to FS19 because it doesn't feel like a complete game without CP. Yes, the AI seems better and can do more, but I just don't want to play without CP.

fudoido commented 2 years ago

that is great news, hope the new game doesnt make it hard to understand the new AI, and implement CP in a way that conflicts with it. All the best and we will be waiting for news :)

pops64 commented 2 years ago


emab commented 2 years ago

I'm a developer - is there anything I can do to help? I've not written much Lua before but I'm really keen to help out where I can.

Tensuko commented 2 years ago

We will get public later when we have a good base. Any contribution will be looked at and implemented if it does help. Ofc translations are always welcome :)

emab commented 2 years ago

Cool - happy for translations and docs too. I used FS19 a fair bit, but definitely didn't know everything. I'll have a look through the codebase later anyway - at first glance does it seem like a big refactor will be needed for FS22?

bobdown14 commented 2 years ago

Awesome news. Thank you for all done in FS19

Tensuko commented 2 years ago

@emab Yes, there is more we do then just convert it.

Breytac commented 2 years ago

This is a mod that I absolutely love and I consider it one of the must-haves. Good to see that this will continue in FS22

Tohva commented 2 years ago

This is THE best and most important mod for FS. I am not starting the game before we have a working CP. I can't imagine playing without it. For me FS has to be played like an idle-game that once everything is set up an running is just nice to look at. I like that GIANTS improved their built-in helper, but I find it a serious lack of functionality that it still can't unload an active combine. Keep up the good work @Tensuko

lcc1211 commented 2 years ago

This is THE best and most important mod for FS. I am not starting the game before we have a working CP. I can't imagine playing without it. For me FS has to be played like an idle-game that once everything is set up an running is just nice to look at. I like that GIANTS improved their built-in helper, but I find it a serious lack of functionality that it still can't unload an active combine. Keep up the good work @Tensuko

This is my feeling exactly. And I did the same with FS19 and FS17 before.

KCHARRO commented 2 years ago

Yeah thanks guys you guys are great

only one request...

Could you put a RoadMap like you did from FS17 to FS19 so we can get the development phases?

Tensuko commented 2 years ago

There will be no RoadMap. And about AD, that is a decision that Stephan have to take and it won't help if you ask others!

TinyCrocodile commented 2 years ago

Very happy to hear cp is going to be back. Its so important for me i dont even buy the game bevore cp is available. ;-)

franky-bb commented 2 years ago

I have the 22 already there. More than one look did not happen. I still play the 19s. The Courseplay for it is perfect. When the time comes, with Courseplay for the new game, I'll start. I wish you success.

With translator.

knoxville73 commented 2 years ago

You are our heroes ;-)

fudoido commented 2 years ago

i hope there is a way to "capture" the ingame splines for AI traffic and take advantage of what the current AI does, so it saves time recording courses, needing to generate courses only for fieldwork, silo compacting and a few other modes. can manage ok with the current AI helpers, but what i feel it is really missing from it is the ability to unload combines, balers will not work on fields with helper, silo work and the new mode to pickup bales, i believe these features are the ones that people are missing the most from courseplay.

blubstar86 commented 2 years ago

Hello, nice to hear you guys are already working on the FS22 CP. Thumbs up!

Im thinking about another cut out mod, like you did it already with the "Click to switch" mod in the ingame Modhub.

I dont like the work with frontloader tools, would it be possible to release a small mod to save 4 shoovel positions and bind them to Keys, like we have it in CP but as a seperatet mod, so we dont need to wait until CP is ready to get into public hands?

Keep the good work going!

Tensuko commented 2 years ago

You are not the 1st one who ask for this... But keep in mind that when we have time, our work is focused on CP. When we do such a mod, it takes longer to get CP to work.

Reiko40 commented 2 years ago

Das freut mich zu hören das ihr im LS 22 auch am start seid. Es gibt ja nicht mehr viele Moddingteams.

emab commented 2 years ago

Hello, nice to hear you guys are already working on the FS22 CP. Thumbs up!

Im thinking about another cut out mod, like you did it already with the "Click to switch" mod in the ingame Modhub.

I dont like the work with frontloader tools, would it be possible to release a small mod to save 4 shoovel positions and bind them to Keys, like we have it in CP but as a seperatet mod, so we dont need to wait until CP is ready to get into public hands?

Keep the good work going!

I'm hoping to get into modding - I can take a look at this (but can't promise anything!)

Redster999 commented 2 years ago

Fs 22 is better then every previous games. Fs 19 wasnt playeable for me untill coursplay came out. Fs22 I at least enjoy. And the more I play I miss Coursplay, Autodrive and Ai Vehicle Extension But Giants shouldnt even try the autodrive part. Its horrible in the current state. You guys make these games live forever. At least till the next fs... Then its back to waiting... Thank you. Just donated a little bit.

fudoido commented 2 years ago

giants should have taken the example from SCS Software, creators of euro truck simulator, and HIRE good modders, like they did with 50Keda that was a brilliant 3d moddeler, and someone else that made quite a few script mods and got hired for the game programing part (think it was someone from multiplayer mod and alas, they now have multiplayer in base game, even if limited compared to truckersMP mod). autodrive author was complaining about how giants didnt spoke to any modders about the changes in the game, how all of them are left "hanging" and have to discover everything by themselves. i understand his motivation to continue AD might not be the best, and i was afraid that could happen with CP as well, considering that giants cooperated with CP when it was fs19 and helped to get CP quite fast released back then, and now they decided to shut up and leave the team to "figure yourself". The best attitude giants should have taken was to hire part or all members of CP, autodrive, realismus mod (seasons) and the manual gears mod creator, or at the bare minimum, talk with them to make the features flawless, less complex and more enjoyable. they waited 1 more year to release the game due the new gen of consoles and graphics, they could very much made something better with their helper AI.

Tensuko commented 2 years ago

@fudoido not everything you say is true!

now they decided to shut up and leave the team to "figure yourself"

We still have contact to GIANTS and they will answer most of our questionts. Sure it could have went better, but it is not as bad as some ppl say!

make the features flawless, less complex and more enjoyable

Flawless, well, beside the helper, the things they implemented work good. They are less complex (as much as you config them) and for myself, I enjoy them.

they waited 1 more year to release the game due the new gen of consoles and graphics

Wich is a logic step (most companys would do that) and they did more then just better graphics. I would wait again 3 years for the next game.

But pls I don't want this Issue become a 'but GIANTS should have...' Issue. It was to inform you about OUR Plans. What other Modders do or don't do you can discuss that with them.

emab commented 2 years ago

Is there a LUADOC for FS22 yet?

Tensuko commented 2 years ago

You can always check for yourself:

Serfalon commented 2 years ago

Will we find the FS22 version of courseplay in this repository or will there be a new one made for it?

audiklaus commented 2 years ago

ich möchte mich für eure klasse Arbeit Bedanken und habe Ihnen Heute eine Spende Überwiesen. Eine stark Abgespeckte Version für LS22 wäre natürlich total Super!

Tensuko commented 2 years ago

Will we find the FS22 version of courseplay in this repository or will there be a new one made for it?

You will know when we are ready!

ich möchte mich für eure klasse Arbeit Bedanken und habe Ihnen Heute eine Spende Überwiesen. Eine stark Abgespeckte Version für LS22 wäre natürlich total Super!

W.I.P. :)

hdmanzanas commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the effort and time you dedicate to this development. In my opinion Farming Simulator can not be understood without this mod, it is 100% essential for me. So, do you have any estimation of the release? (I mean if it will be in a few days, weeks, next year...)

audiklaus commented 2 years ago

Vielen Dank für die Mühe und Zeit, die Sie dieser Entwicklung widmen. Meiner Meinung nach ist der Landwirtschafts-Simulator ohne diesen Mod nicht zu verstehen, er ist für mich zu 100% essentiell. Haben Sie eine Einschätzung zur Veröffentlichung? (Ich meine, wenn es in ein paar Tagen, Wochen, im nächsten Jahr sein wird...)

Ich glaube die Frage beschäftigt viele. Anstatt immer dieselbe Frage zu stellen Überweisen Sie doch lieber eine Spende so wie Ich, dies wird die Entwickler sicher etwas Motivieren anstatt immer nur zu Fragen!!!!!!!!!!

knoxville73 commented 2 years ago

I did a little donation, many thanks for your work.

Tensuko commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the effort and time you dedicate to this development. In my opinion Farming Simulator can not be understood without this mod, it is 100% essential for me. So, do you have any estimation of the release? (I mean if it will be in a few days, weeks, next year...)

No we don't have a release time for CP right now. I would suggest you to enjoy some farming before you 'let farm' :)

Ich glaube die Frage beschäftigt viele. Anstatt immer dieselbe Frage zu stellen Überweisen Sie doch lieber eine Spende so wie Ich, dies wird die Entwickler sicher etwas Motivieren anstatt immer nur zu Fragen!!!!!!!!!!

Niemand muss hier etwas spenden. Sicher die Fragen sind irgendwann nervig, aber bisher hält es sich in grenzen...

fudoido commented 2 years ago

@Tensuko i just expoosed autodrive mod author point, he got no information from giants in a way that could help him with the mod, and told he knows some other modders that had contact with giants before and this time around they got no info about the game to start their mods also. not saying giants did it to all modders. flawless i was talking exactly about the helper. if they had contact with you or autodrive author when implementing the feature ingame, both your knowledge on such feature could make it much better for release, instead of a "drunken" driver lol. yes it was logical to wait for the next gen consoles, i dont disagree, but they could have used that time to improve the other features also, not just making the game next gen ready.

just shared my view on it, not wanting to create discussion here. i want to support CP as much i can, i feel bad i dont know any coding to be able to provide better assistance. however i hope my thoughts about the game AI can provide a light about the new CP also, such as i mentioned above about being able to "read" the traffic splines, as it seems from other modders live streams that its what AI is using for directions. this was noticed due the fact that he found a different kind of traffic spline that doesnt allow combines (or maybe farm vehicles in general) to pass in some areas, and another replacement spline for ai helper alone for when helper cant pass in that place, but has an alternate route nearby with this replacement spline. hope this helps any bit.

PS: editing to add that, after i wrote my initial text, went check autodrive github and seems authors are also going forward with fs22 autodrive :) Please guys, work together to make a super mod. cp is awesome for field work and some other features, but the way autodrive sets the driving courses is more simple and easy. combine the best of 2 worlds to make a paradise ;)

SilverWheelz commented 2 years ago

Thank you so much for all the effort y'all have put in for CP. It has really been a big help for solo players like me. I would've burned myself out if I tried to run big grain setups without CP. CP has always been a game changer especially if you like big maps. Best of luck with the FS22 Courseplay and keep up the awesome work!

ian898 commented 2 years ago

@Tensuko drop me a message on discord "Ian898 - Frontier Design#3778" I have something that will help you guys out converting to 22.

Tensuko commented 2 years ago

@ian898 no need. Thanks.

lxfTTjek commented 2 years ago

I am a player from China, thank you very much for all your efforts! This is the best MOD in the farm

Tensuko commented 2 years ago

I am a player from China, thank you very much for all your efforts! This is the best MOD in the farm

Thank you.

Im thinking about another cut out mod, like you did it already with the "Click to switch" mod in the ingame Modhub.

There might be someting in the near feature :)

knoxville73 commented 2 years ago

The impatient and the spoiled kids, why are you buying the game before the courseplay is released?

Yboux commented 2 years ago

Well said...

Le mer. 1 déc. 2021, à 13 h 54, knoxville73 @.***> a écrit :

The impatient and the spoiled kids, why are you buying the game before the courseplay is released?

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mereman commented 2 years ago

I just want to say thank you for the hours of work you must put into CoursePlay.

Tensuko commented 2 years ago


Was trying to be nice, but got snarked at and deleted for just asking a normal question. I didn't donate for you to be rude to me.

Well, thank you very much for your donation. But the point is, if everyone here ask for a release, the Issue would be full of the same question. I opened this up to inform ppl and by reading my start comment you would know the answer already.

mikindwa commented 2 years ago

Loved the mod, wouldn't play FarmSIm without it. Did loads of testing in FS19 and found a few minor things I wished were altered - however nothing worth complaining about. Would LOVE the chance to help test the new FS22 version. I enjoy setting up automated systems and having AI harvest a field for me, load to AD truck and take to silo. If you need testers, please consider me. I await your release eagerly (understanding it will take some time). Awesome work

Misamangame commented 2 years ago

The impatient and the spoiled kids, why are you buying the game before the courseplay is released?

Exactly :) Thank you for your good work guys and I'm glad that you will continue in FS 22.