CourtneyBrothers / plastictracker

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NSS full stack final project


landing page

Full stack web app built on SNEP stack! AKA sequelize node express pug

This project is hosted at

Track your consumption of single use plastic

Start here to initilizate the project

this interface assumes a global installation of psql if not already installed

npm install psql -g

steps : to access all required dependencies npm install

how to build database and connect to postgres

once your project is initiliazed as above

  1. Open in your terminal run psql

  2. CREATE DATABASE plastictracker create database named plastictracker

  3. \c plastictracker connect to plastictracker

in the command line you will see "You are now connected to the database"

  1. In your config.json file enter the name of the database you created in the previous step

"database": "plastictracker",

  1. To build the database from the project

run node build_db

  1. To compile your sass npm run sass will need to be running

  2. To run the app

nodemon app.js

npm install -g nodemon assumed but with no global install add nodemon to your dependencies npm install --save-dev nodemon

serving the app will present a login page. A dummy user is in json in order for developers to login w/o re-registering each time

after login users are presented with a view to select type and quantity of plastic saved http://localhost:8080/welcome

after submission users are presented with totals of each type of plastic saved


users are presented with a view to select type and quantity of SUP consumed from the welcome page submission directs users to view of sup with options to update sup status to either reused or recycled

choice affordance saved waste stream



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


all icons and images used are attributed on the credits page of the application

readme last updated 4/17/2018