Coveros-GitHub-Training / tjx-gh4dev

Let's learn about Git and GitHub
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GitHub for Developers

Class Resources

πŸ‘‡πŸ”— Click the dropdown menu below for the class URLs πŸ”— πŸ‘‡

More helpful links including videos, cheat sheets, and visualization tools #### Git - [Git Cheat Sheet]( - [git-scm]( - [Git Katas]( - [Git Aliases]( - [Visuals of Helpful Git Commands]( #### Review materials & visualization - [Review videos]( - [GitSchool - Visualizing Git]( - [Visualizing Git Concepts with D3]( - [Git Viz]( - [Git Graph Extension for VS Code]( - [LearnGitBranching]( #### GitHub Documentation and Help - [GitHub Webcasts]( - [Authentication Troubleshooting Guide]( - [GitHub Help Documentation]( - [GitHub Enterprise Documentation]( - [Enterprise Support]( #### Git and IDEs Webcasts - [GitHub and Visual Studio]( - [GitHub and IntelliJ IDEs]( - [GitHub and]( - [GitHub and Xcode]( - [GitHub and Eclipse]( - [GitHub and GitHub Desktop]( - [GitHub and GitKraken](

What's Next?

After you have completed this course, you are probably wondering where to go from here: