BattleTech mod (using ModTek and DynModLib) that allows to add random or ronin mech warriors.
Setting | Type | Default | Description |
addRandomMercsCount | int | 3 | amount of random mercs to add to roster |
randomMercQuality | int | 1 | merc quality is based on difficulty, choose a value between 1 and 5, corresponds to a planets difficulty level |
roninChance | float | 0.08f | chance that a random ronin is part of the starting roster |
addRoninMercs | string[] | [] | a list of ronin pilot to always add, all backers and ronins under StreamingAssets\data\pilot can be chosen. e.g. ["pilot_ronin_Kraken", "pilot_backer_Chang"] |
addRoninsOnSavegameLoad | bool | false | if set to true, the ronins mentioned under addRoninMercs are added to the barracks when loading a save game, great for adding pilots to an existing save game |
allowMultipleRoninCopies | bool | false | allow multiple copies of the same ronin when adding them through this mod, useful to revive dead ronins or get back fired ronins |
The lists StartingMechWarriors
and StartingMechWarriorPortraits
in SimGameConstants.json
needs to be empty in order for this to work. ModTek in-memory patching should do that for you automatically. The game uses the first mercs in the roster to add as pilots for the starting mission. In any case mercs added through this mod will appear in the roster after the mission.
Downloads can be found on github.
After installing BTML, ModTek and DynModLib, put the mod into the \BATTLETECH\Mods\ folder and launch the game.