CrabblePitch / crabble-ui

Web UI for Crabble Protocol
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Crabble UI

Crabble is a NFT lending/borrowing platform for NFTs with any sort of utility. This repository contains the client side code for Crabble platform.

Use Cases

For a high level overview of the end-to-end flow please see Use Cases document.

Setup && Run

Install agoric-sdk

Although client code does not depend on most of the core sdk features of agoric-sdk it's better to stay consistent with backend code(meaning smart-contracts) which is built on the mainnet-1b version of the sdk.

git clone
cd agoric-sdk
git checkout crabble-test
yarn install
yarn build
yarn link-cli ~/bin/agoric
agoric --version

If agoric --version works, then execute below command.

cd agoric-sdk/packages/cosmic-swingset

Run agd --help to see if the make command succeeded.

Create Test Accounts (One Time)

We need some test accounts (public and private keys with certain names) to mimic the user when we're developing the client side. It's important that you make sure the account names are gov1 and gov2 as we'll depend on these accounts to exist in a future step.

agd keys add gov1 --keyring-backend=test
agd keys add gov2 --keyring-backend=test

Save the mnemonics to somewhere persistent.

Start Agoric Blockchain

For our development environment we need to start a local Agoric blockchain. Run below script for that.

cd agoric-sdk/packages/agoric-cli/test

Wait until yoe see block 17 commit in the log window that should pop up when you run

Install and Run Agoric Wallet

Agoric has its own wallet web app for packaging and sending transactions to Agoric blockchain. You should start a local version of the wallet app before starting your dapp development.

git clone -b crabble-ui
cd wallet-app && yarn install
cd wallet && yarn start

Open http://localhost:3000/wallet in the browser you've Keplr extension installed.

Add Agoric localhost to Keplr

Follow the steps below;

Once you go thorough above steps a Keplr windows should open asking you to approve the Agoric localhost chain. Approve the local Agoric blockchain. You might see the wallet app complaining about some stuff, for now don't let it bother you. We'll get back to that later.

Import gov1 and gov2 to Keplr

Follow the steps below;

Remaining steps are not our concern, just complete the process.

Provision the Smart Wallet

Remember me telling you the wallet app might complain some stuff. Well that 'some stuff' is actually the wallet app telling you that you haven't provisioned(created) a smart-wallet yet. Don't worry the wallet app creates one for you if you want it to. To provision a smart-wallet you must have 10 BLDs in your account which we happen to have because sends some funds to gov1 and gov2 during the boot process. It also should provision smart-wallets for gov1 and gov2, but I've encountered some problems in that step that's why I said the wallet app 'might' complain about smart-wallet. Just click Create if you see the below dialog.

Provision Smart Wallet

Start Crabble UI

Finally, we can now run our actual project to start working on.

git clone
cd crabble-ui
yarn install
yarn dev

Deploy Crabble Protocol

Start Ag-Solo

ag-solo is an off-chain agent that can interact with Agoric blockchain. We need an ag-solo to deploy our smart contracts. Open a terminal and run below command:

cd agoric-sdk/packages/cosmic-swingset
make SOLO_COINS='13000000ubld,12345000000uist,1122000000ibc/toyusdc' scenario2-run-clientd

In another terminal;

cd agoric-sdk/packages/cosmic-swingset
agoric open --no-browser --repl

Copy&paste the link to you browser.

Install crabbleProtocol

Open another terminal and execute below commands;

git clone -b ui-prep
cd crabbleProtocol/source-code 
agoric install

Deploy Crabble Smart Contract

In order to deploy our Crabble Protocol we need to execute a core-eval which is piece of software the Agoric community votes on whether or not it should execute. We have prepared a Makefile to make things easier. In order for the Makefile to work properly you need to change a variable at the top of the file called SDK_ROOT. For example;

SDK_ROOT = $(shell cd ../../agoric-master >/dev/null && pwd) ## Your sdk path here

You need to replace ../../agoric-master with you own agoric-sdk path. Remember you'll execute make commands from crabbleProtocol/source_code, so if you plan to use a relative path to your agoric-sdk, remember to use a path relative to crabbleProtocol/source_code.

Open one more terminal;

# Do not forget to update your 'SDK_ROOT'
cd crabbleProtocol/source_code
make deploy-from-scratch

Once make deploy-from-scratch exits, in 1 minute you should see a crabble property in your ag-solo's home object.