CraftAcademy / quizmaster

MIT License
2 stars 7 forks source link

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By Craft Academy - Coding as a craft.

Pub Quiz made Digital.

It is a work in progress, so at the moment there is no function for authoring quizzes.

You find the live app on heroku

But to be able to play the game you need to have a quiz code and a quiz needs to be live, so that is not doable yet.



This project exists as a Final project for the Bootcamp students at Craft academy. Also as a fun thing for our graduation party:

Installation (This part is WIP)

Fork or clone the project, then in your project folder run:

bundle install
rails db:create
rails db:migrate

At the moment you need rails db:seed as there is no authoring function of quizzes.

You also need to have a redis server running and a localhost server with two windows open, one on root path and one at /quizmaster/quiz/:id


rake runs both rspec and cucumber tests

Testing ActionCable and using multiple browser-windows:

Scenario: I send the first question
  Given there is a "team_id" cookie set to "Craft Academy"
  When I am on the quiz page for "Trivia"
  And I switch to a new window
  And I am on the quizmaster page for "Trivia"
  When I press the "Send" button for question "1"
  And I switch to window "1"
  Then I should see "What is 2+2?"


Pivotal tracker


Can be found here: License