CraigglesO / EmpireEngine

Let's build a connected world together
ISC License
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empire engine p2p webrtc websocket

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Let's build a connected world together

This is the underlining engine that fuels our P2P connections.


npm install empire-engine


const Empire = require("empire-engine").default; // CommonJS

let E = new Empire();


These are the main modules that make up Empire:

module tests version description
EmpireEngine Torrent Client Engine (this module)
peer-tracker The first persistent Bittorent Tracker
bittorrent-wire stream ready Bittorrent Protocol
webRTC-Socket Send WebRTC data to and from users
ut-extensions Extensions for The Bittorent Protocol
torrent-piece-handler Quickly prep for downloads without polluting your code.
binary-bitfield Track the blocks downloaded
torrent-parser Parse torrents and create torrent files
parse-magnet-uri Parse a magnet link to something useful for a Bittorent app