CrashLogger / YY-Series-Vehicles

YY Series fixed wing aircraft, controller, and compatible CS series tank drive vehicles
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YY Series vehicles


The YY series is a fixed wing single motor 3 or 4 channel radio controlled aircraft series. They follow a classic-for-UAVs double tail boom set up. As a companion to the YY aircraft, the CS Series is a tank drive series of radio controlled ground vehicles.

Both series operate on the same YY Series controller, which is not compatible with industry standard controllers because of the different value sending method. Their communication is made via the NRF24l01 2.4GHz chip. They can both be powered by 2S batteries, and in the case of the YY series aircraft, they can also be powered by 3S batteries.


BAL proiekturako eginiko kodea. YY serieko hego finkodun, motore bakardun, 3 edo 4 kanaleko radioz kontrolaturiko hegazkin seriea da. Isatz bikoizdun itxurakoa. YY serie hegazkinarekin batera, CS serieko autoa, tanke erara gidatutako lur ibilgailuak ere badaude.

Bi serieek kontrol sistema berbera erabiltzen dute, industriako estandarrekin konpatibleak ez direnak. NRF24L01 txipdun moduluen bitartez komunikatzen dira, kanal bakar baten bidez. Biek 2S litio bateriekin erabili daitezke, baina YY seriearen kasuan 3S bateriek ere erabili daitezke. NRF24L01 txipdun moduluen bitartez komunikatzen dira, kanal bakar baten bidez. Biek 2S litio bateriekin erabili daitezke, baina YY seriearen kasuan 3S bateriak ere erabili daitezke.