Many tools to work with Google Maps Location Ads (Norries not included.)
Maps PassiveAssist tools were now available. Click here
In Google Maps, square pins are typically adverts.
Advertisers pay Google to promote these locations.
Without this feature, the project wouldn't exist.
They have 2 types of ads:
With Promo
Without Promo
Purpose | Example Command |
Parse location ads | python3 example.json |
Find ads for location | python3 40.7127837 -74.00594130000002 |
Find ads for location, outputing to file | python3 53.679895 -1.494309 -outp promos.html |
Find ads for location, using proxy | python3 40.7127837 -74.00594130000002 -proxy YOUR_PROXY_ADDRESS |
Argument | Purpose :-----------------:|:----------------------------------------------------------:s outp | Change output file/folder noadsfail | Fail when no ads found proxy | Enabling use of proxies keepsearch | Don't fail when no ads found (for Smarty Ads and Line Ads)
We also ported LPAds to JavaScript! To include in your site, add in your html file:
<script src="" crossorigin=""></script>
If you want the examples, please click here
We also have included the editor, please click the pencil button to start editing the ads. For advanced features, append &init=base64(script) and &event=base64(script). Where init script parameter is run on startup, and event script parameter is run on ad parsing. The typical script looks something like:
function (ad) {
if ("eggs") != -1) {
ad.adName = "spam"
return ad
It only override the ad if the resulting event function is NOT null.
Nominatim only: ability to parse location insertion template embedded on locational ads, enabled by appending parsetemplate=true to the navigation bar.
the example LPAds doesn't use any cookies that was passed into the Maps' LPAds requests, so no personalized ads will appear in this app.