Crazyht / ngx-tree-select

Angular select component with tree items
MIT License
56 stars 45 forks source link
angular4 library ngx select treeview


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This is how to install the components:

npm install ngx-tree-select


yarn add ngx-tree-select

And on your application module:

import {NgxTreeSelectModule} from 'ngx-tree-select';

  declarations: [ ...],
  imports: [
      allowFilter: true,
      filterPlaceholder: 'Type your filter here...',
      maxVisibleItemCount: 5,
      idField: 'id',
      textField: 'name',
      childrenField: 'children',
      allowParentSelection: true
export class AppModule { }

See below for SystemJs / UMD installation.

Default options

When you call NgxTreeSelectModule.forRoot you must pass default options. This options can be empty object "{}" or you can add one or more settings :

Using the Tree Select

We will need to add first a version of Font Awesome to our page, for example:

<link href="" rel="stylesheet">

Then we can use the Tree Select like this:

<form novalidate>
  <tree-select name="simpleSelect"
  <div *ngIf="simpleSelect.errors && (simpleSelect.dirty || simpleSelect.touched)" class="alert alert-danger">
    <div [hidden]="!simpleSelect.errors.required">Simple select is required</div>

<form novalidate>
  <tree-select name="multipleSelect"
              filterPlaceholder="Type item filter..."
  <div *ngIf="multipleSelect.errors && (multipleSelect.dirty || multipleSelect.touched)" class="alert alert-danger">
    <div [hidden]="!multipleSelect.errors.required">Multiple select is required</div>
    <div [hidden]="!multipleSelect.errors.minlength">You must choose at least 2 items on Multiple select</div>
    <div [hidden]="!multipleSelect.errors.maxlength">You must choose maximum 4 items on Multiple select</div>

Component attributes

When you place tree-select on HTML template you can define :

tree-select component use default options define when you call NgxTreeSelectModule.forRoot except if you override it with attribute on HTML template.

Running the Demo Application

This command will build and start the demo application:

npm start

Running This Module In Development

First let's build the library using this command:

npm run lib:build

Then let's link it:

cd dist_package\ngx-tree-select
npm link

On another folder on the same machine where we have for example a running Angular CLI, we then do:

npm link ngx-tree-select

Running the Tests

The tests can be executed with the following commands:

npm run test
npm run e2e

Using SystemJs via the UMD bundle ?

Make sure to add this to your map configuration, if you need the module served from a CDN:

map: {

   'ngx-tree-select': '<version number>/ngx-tree-select.rollup.umd.min.js'

Otherwise if serving from node_modulesdirectly:

map: {
   'ngx-tree-select': 'node_modules/ngx-tree-select/bundles/ngx-tree-select.umd.min.js'

And in our packages property:

packages: {
  'ngx-tree-select': {
    main: 'index.js',
    defaultExtension: 'js'

