Crossword-Editor / crossword-editor

A web app for authoring NY Times style crossword puzzles
MIT License
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Postgres heroku #2

Closed bbonsign closed 4 years ago

bbonsign commented 4 years ago

Merging this PR should configure you local repo to use postgres. It also adds all the settings to get deploying to Heroku working.

The README has been updated with further instructions for getting postgres working after you pull down the changes to your local repo. There's also a link to the deployed site on Heroku at the top of the README (not that there is much to look at yet).

For Heroku deployment, one thing to keep in mind is that Heroku's copy of the code is a git remote, just like GitHub. So that means only one of us needs to push to Heroku to update the deployed site (it shouldn't matter which one of us pushes to Heroku, as long as we are both synced up with the code on GitHub). Also, for the majority of our time we'll still be running the site locally. We don't need to deploy to Heroku every time we make a changed to the site, we just run the site locally to see the updates.

That means we can have one person responsible for deploying to Heroku, if that seems easier.
Otherwise, to give you access to the Heroku remote, I need to add you as a collaborator using an email address (presumably the one you use in your gitconfig). Let me know what you think