Crossword-Editor / crossword-editor

A web app for authoring NY Times style crossword puzzles
MIT License
9 stars 2 forks source link
crossword django javascript python vuejs

NY Times style crossword editor

A tool to write NY Times style crosswords. Deployed site


With WordNerd, you can start from a blank rectangular grid, fill in the black squares, answers and corresponding clues, save drafts, and even export other formats. The user's homepage lists their draft puzzles and completed puzzles.

Some of the highlights of the editor page are:

Local Setup

If you want to run the site locally, first clone this repo and change directories into it:

git clone
cd crossword-editor

We use pipenv to manage the Python virtual environment, which you can find information about at Once pipenv is installed, run pipenv install to set up the virtual environment. If successful (the installation of psycopg2 sometimes requires some troubleshooting), then run pipenv shell to activate the virtual environment.

Finally, copy the sample .env file:

cp config/.env.sample config/.env

Postgres Setup

The puzzle instances and user data are stored in a Postgres database. Assuming Postgres is set up on your computer, the following sets up the database to match the ./config/.env.sample.

createuser -d editor
createdb -U editor editor

If you prefer to replace 'editor' be another name for the user and database, make sure to update .env accordingly.

Since we're using a new database, we need to migrate:

python migrate

Hopefully, you see a lot of OK's. Finally, try running the server to make sure everything is working:

python runserver

If successful, you should see a message in the terminal informing you what localhost address to visit.