CrypticSwarm / js-matcher

Provides simple pattern matching over JavaScript objects.
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JS Pattern Matcher

JS Pattern Matcher is a naive pattern matcher. No special tricks or optimizations.

The API is currently unstable.

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Install via NPM by running

npm install js-matcher

API Docs


Place holder for the end of an array. When added to the end of an array in a pattern it signifies that the array to be matched can have more elements then the pattern array.

isMatch(pattern, obj)

isMatch recursively walks through the pattern space and the object to be matched against checking that each part match. The pattern space can specify variables that can be matched against multiple times and will only match if the same variable matches itself on every occurance. Variables are specified by a string with '$' as the first character.

You can use variables as keys to objects. Since there could be more than one result with this case the variable needs to be determined. ie. it must appear somewhere else in the pattern that isn't the key to an object. ( { '$a': 1, x: '$a' } )

compare with regex test


Ones that will match and return true:

var matcher = require('js-matcher')
  , isMatch = matcher.isMatch
  , rest =
isMatch({ a: 1 }, { a: 1})
isMatch([1,2,3,4], [1,2,3,4])
isMatch([1, rest], [1, 2, 3, 4])
isMatch({ a: 1 }, { a: 1, b: 3, c: 3})
isMatch({ a: '$v', d: [1,2,'$v']}, { a: 1, b: 3, c: 3, d: [1,2,1]})
isMatch({ '$v': 3, d: [1,2,'$v']}, { a: 1, b: 3, c: 3, d: [1,2,'b']})
isMatch(['$v',2], [1,2])

Ones that will return false:

isMatch({ a: 2 }, { a: 1})
isMatch([1,2,7,4], [1,2,3,4])
isMatch([4, rest], [1, 2, 3, 4])

filter(filterObj, bindings)

Filter iterates through the the mappings making sure that each value passes its associated filter. A filter consists of either a function that takes the value and returns true if it passes the filter false if it doesn't, or an array that contains a list of acceptable values.


var matcher = require('js-matcher')
  , filter = matcher.filter

function isOdd(x) {
  return x % 2

filter({ $a: [1,2] }, { $a: 1 }) // true
filter({ $a: isOdd }, { $a: 99 }) //true
filter({ $a: isOdd }, { $a: 106 }) //false

match(pattern, obj, filterObj)

match is very similar to isMatch but instead of returning true or false returns what the variables are bound to in the match.

compare with regex exec


var matcher = require('js-matcher')
  , match = matcher.match
  , rest =

match(['$v',2], [1,2])
//{ '$v': 1 }

match({ '$v': '$y', $x: [1,2,'$v'], i: '$x'}, { i: 'd', b: [23, 44], a: 3, c: 3, d: [1,2,'b']})
//{ '$x': 'd', '$v': 'b', '$y': [ 23, 44 ] }

mapMatch(patterns, obj, defaultVal)

mapMatch runs through the list and returns the first value of a [pattern, value] where the pattern matches.


var matcher = require('js-matcher')
  , mapMatch = matcher.mapMatch
  , patterns =
    [ [ { a: 123 }, 'hi there' ]
    , [ { b: 454 }, 'b is 454' ]
    , [ { a: [1, 2] }, "123's and abc's"]

function isOdd(x) {
  return x % 2

mapMatch(patterns, { a: 123, b: 454 }, "I wasn't matched") // 'hi there'
mapMatch(patterns, { d: 83, b: 454 }, "I wasn't matched") // 'b is 454'
mapMatch(patterns, { a: [1, 2], b: [454] }, "I wasn't matched") // "123's and abc's"
mapMatch(patterns, { a: [3, 2, 4], b: [454] }, "I wasn't matched") // "I wasn't matched"

var matchList =
  [ [ [0, 0]      , 1]
  , [ [0, '$v']   , 2]
  , [ ['$v', '$v'], { $v: isOdd }, 3]

mapMatch(matchList, [0,0], 4) // 1
mapMatch(matchList, [0,2], 4) // 2
mapMatch(matchList, [9,9], 4) // 3
mapMatch(matchList, [3,2], 4) // 4
mapMatch(matchList, [6,6], 4) // 4