CulturedCheese / thesis-project

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CLEAN UP rewrites and simplifies all back end logic to only the functionality we need #152

Closed ClimbsRocks closed 9 years ago

ClimbsRocks commented 9 years ago

for what it's worth, git really didn't like this way of doing things. in the future, probably best not to do this much cleanup and refactoring and renaming of files to the same thing and then squashing it all down into one commit.

however, i verified and it still works.

GIT runs into issues when you name multiple files the same thing over the course of different commits

CLEAN UP rewrites and simplifies all back end logic to only the functionality we need FEAT builds out location checker using Google Maps API

CLEAN UP rewrites and documents all database and data processing logic. Last commit before removing all old logic.

CLEAN UP moves all deprecated server logic to a single folder: server/deprecatedServerLogic

FIX adds csv backups to .gitignore

CLEAN UP grabs useful parts of databaseLogic, all code in deprecatedServerLogic can now be deleted

CLEAN UP cleans up a few things post merge

FIX adds minified version of react and ignores bundle.min.js in client

FEAT builds out location checker using Google Maps API

CLEAN UP rewrites and documents all database and data processing logic. Last commit before removing all old logic.

CLEAN UP moves all deprecated server logic to a single folder: server/deprecatedServerLogic

FIX adds csv backups to .gitignore

CLEAN UP grabs useful parts of databaseLogic, all code in deprecatedServerLogic can now be deleted

CLEAN UP removes deprecatedServerLogic from tracking